← II.2.6,8,9 II.2.16,18 →



Mr. PresiQWRRRRRRRRRRRRRPJ@!JRP@!JRP@!JUR@!PJRJRP@JFL@!JFP@!JFP@!JFPL!JFP@!JFP@!JFP@!JFP@!:F:P@!JFP@!NJPF!NJPF@!JFP@!NPF@!@!NHFP@!NHPOFP@!NNJP!JNP!JR!WQRJPQWRJPWQJRPWQJRPQWJRPQJWRPQWKJRPJPRWQJRQWPKRPWQKRPQKRPWQJRPQJRPQJRPQIJRPQWRKPQWKRPQWJFPQJFPJQWFPFJWQPFJPWQKFPWQJFPQWKJPFWQJPFQJWPFWQKPQFWKPQWFKPFWQKJPFWQWQFPJFWQPFWQJPWQFKPKFWQ:PJFWQPFJPWQKFPWQFKPWQFJPWQJPCJKPQJCPWJPWQKCPWQKCPWQJCPWQJCPWQCKIPWQIPWQKIPJWQPJPWQJPCJWQJPWQJPQCWJPWQJCPJCWPQKJCPWQKJCPWQJCPWQJPCWQJCKWQPCKWCWQPKCWQPKCWQPFKWQMFWQPMRWQMJPMWQJRPWQMRPWQMJTPQTMJPWQTPWQTPWQMPWQMPWQMJTQPWJNTQWTNJQWTPJTWQJTWQJTWQJTWQJTWQPTWQJPTWQJPTQJPTWQJTWQJTWQPTWQJTWQTWQPJTWQJTWQPJTWQPJTWQPJTWQPJTWQTWQJPJTWQPTWQJPTWQJPTWQJTWQPJTWQPJTWQPJTWQJTWQPTWQJPTWQJTPQJTKTKWQPTJWQTJPWQJTWQJTPTWQJPTWQJPTWQJPRWQJTPWQJTPWQJRPJWQPJTRPWQJTPWQJTRQWOJTEWJOREWJTPEQWJTPWQJRWQPOJTRPWQJTPWQJTPQJTPWQJTPWQJTWPQJTPQJWPJTPWQJPWQJTPWQJTWQJTPQWJTPWQJTWQJTPWQJTPWQJTWPQJTPWQJTPWQJTPWQJTPWQJTPWQJTPWQJTPWQJTPJQWPTJPJWQPTJQPTJQWPTJQPWJTPWQJTWQjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjWoops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!Woops!W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Mr. President, the state of the state is WHACK. Hyperinflation? WHACK. The situation in Italy? WHACK. Our infimum-remacy on the seas? WHACK (by the seas, we mean: C). Coalition? Calculation? WHACK. My earnings? WHACK. Earrings? WHACK. Peculation? WHACK. Mutal infidelity? WHACK. Cupid's arrow? WHACK. Across the Mediterranean, you say? Can you shoot an arrow from Paris to Alexandria? Intercepted by those frigging frigates: DEAR XXXXXX, WE ARE ON THE VERGE OF STARVATION HERE AT XXXXXX. HAHAHAHAHAHA. GOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO. BLEUGH HEUGH HEUGH HeUFGFFFFFFFFFFFW. Intercepted by those friendly frigates. Sly one, he is. But that style of stunt–stunt of style, if you will–may be turned against ourselves in an act of IIIIIIIIIINTTTTTTTTTTTRIIIIIIWQRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Mr. President: The Guillotine of Damocles hangs over you. It hangs over me. And who holds the masses' spoon right now? Who holds the spoon, Mr. President? Who holds the fork? Heh, heh, heh, heh. The Chandelier of Bifurcation lies above this floor. Everyone look up. The whole floor, and the members of the gallery all raise their heads, like ghoulish gooses in a nightlit pond watching dancing skylights. That very semaphore will be our undoing. Look: We have him on a leash, like a horny dog. He should be shot–and not with Cupid's arrow. GIJIJIJIHIHIHIIIIJIHNIKHJIHIHIHIH. Lootin' an' tootin'? WHACK. Massacring prisoners? WHACK. Rape? WHACK. Buboes in the crotch? WHACK. Mercy killings? WHACK. Acre? WHACK. Alexander? WHACK. Algebraic Geometry? WHACK. Abandoned his post? WHACK. I say lick his wounds, then stab him. *A chorus of laughs* Riley riley riley riley. I'm warning you: Don't trust him. That man ain't no Hollaback Girl. He's a Whackaback Girl. He's a mole we have to whack before he whacks us. He's a poor little fellow. A sad little fellow on a power trip. Send him further East then! Treat him like a pet. Put a collar on him, and walk him around. A chorus of laughter. LITTLE MAN, LITTLE MAN. CUTE LITTLE BOY WITH A CUTE LITTLE HAT. "Next Friday," the presiding officer said–next Friday indeed, that is, a check-in session: A trick snuck in by of his snuck in intriguers–he spreads his web here, too, true. He left behind his ilk. We are now here, recovened a fortnight later, thanks to a stealthy tabling motion pulled out of the old book of tricks. And yet: work was being done in our absence. What work? A cathedral? Of what? Sight? Sound? Melody? Rhythm? Words? I am whatever I turn out. I legitimately deserve to die. I am the worst type of human being. I can't accomplish anything. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. My life? Whack. My indulgences? Whack. My interests? Whack. My relationships? Whack. My optimism? Whack. My future? Whack. Me? Whack. My world? Whack.

Where are we? Algebraic geometry. Geometry implies shapes. Spectra take algebraic structures and make shapes out of them. Some of these shapes, surely, are visualizable. Thus, it has been resolved that when possible, spectra should be drawn and entered into the Record by the clerk, this rule applying retroactively:

Starting with the end: The final scheme, SpecZ:
It's the prime numbers. And the generic point 0 spreading its webs everywhere.

Then there was Speck (k a field), which looks like this:
It's just a singleton. A single point. Oh and, Spec(k[ϵ](ϵ2))? Same thing:
It was just a point, although this point has a significantly type of geometry than the one above it.

We also saw the initial scheme Spec0, which looks like this:
Nothing. An empty set.

2.10: High School Algebra

Here's a "basic" one. High school sucked for everyone, so let's get this over with quickly. Yes, our guy is denoting the real numbers, and the complex numbers. We're going to compute the spectrum of real polynomials [x].

Note that [x] is a PID, hence it is also a UFD, and these two facts combined mean that we're in the lovely "I'm looking for prime ELEMENTS" and prime irreducible case.

Q: If you have a real polynomial in a single variable, (e.g. x4 + 3x2 + 1 or something), what does its factorization look like in general?

A: It factors into linear factors and irreducible quadratic factors.

So those are our primes. Basically, we have all of these guys: x - 0,x - 1,x - √ --
  2,x - 2,x - 2.5,x - 3,x - π, etc. So basically, I can identify these linear polynomials with the real numbers in .

And then we have a bunch of irreducible quadratics, e.g. the most famous one x2 + 1, which correspond to complex numbers in . E.g. x2 + 1 corresponds to i,-i. In fact, you might remember that when you factor real polynomials, the complex factors always come in conjugate pairs. So if 3 + i is a factor, so is 3 -i.

So here's my drawing of Spec[x]:


Very simple. It's just the usual complex plane except that I glued the negative imaginary axis with the positive imaginary axis since the conjugates come in pairs. And there's the generic point (0) sending its webs out everywhere. NOTE: Do not get (0) confused with the origin, which is x - 0. Abuse of notation.

Also, since (0) is a generic point for the whole space, by an analagous argument as we performed for SpecZ, the structure sheaf just produces classic rational functions that are nonzero on the given open set.

2.13: Noetherian stuff

After varieties, it's tempting to assume spectra are quasi-compact and Notherian and stuff when they might not be, so here are some conditions where we get such "nice" spectra.


We'll start with the "only if":

= ⇒

Suppose X is Noetherian. Let U X be open, and take

U  =     Ui

to be an open cover of U, weeding out any extraneous sets in this collection (if Ui can be covered by a buncha Uj's in the collection, get rid of the Ui). After the weeding out, if we get a finite open cover, great. Otherwise, take be a countably infinite subset of the cover and order it in a random fashion, yielding a sequence U1,U2,U3,. I'm gonna define

Di =  X  -      Ui


In that case,

D1  ⊋  D2  ⊋  D3  ⊋  ⋅⋅ ⋅

is a descending chain of closed sets of X (properness following from our "weeding out"), but this contradicts Noetherianness of X. So we're done.


Now we suppose every open set is quasi-compact. Let

C1 C2 C3 ⋅⋅⋅

be a descending chain in X. Then, taking complements

X - C1 X - C2 X - C3 ⋅⋅⋅


    X  - Ci

is an open set, and thus has a finite cover, which means that the chain terminates.


Give an open cover of X:

X  =      U α

where Uαi = X - V (αi). So

X = X - iIV (αi)
= ⇒ = iIV (αi)
= ⇒ = V ( iIαi)
= ⇒V (1) = V ( iIαi)

which implies, reordering indices for convenience, there are f1,fn in α1,n repectively, such that

f1 +  ⋅⋅⋅ + fn  =  ϵ

where no prime ideal P contains ϵ. So we can replace the infinite sum with a finite sum:

V (     αi )

and unwrapping and complementing gives us our finite open subcover.

Also, an example of a nonNoetherian spectrum is... let's see...... the infinite variable polynomial ring looks like it works.


So we want to show that if A is Noetherian, then so is SpecA. This is easy. Let

V (α1) V (α2) V (α3) ⋅ ⋅⋅

be a descending chain, which means that

√ ---
  α1 √  ---
   α2 √ ---
  α3 ⋅ ⋅⋅

which terminates because A is Noetherian. And since V ( √ --
  α) = V (α) , we're done.


See here (+1).


For context: ProjS:

Which is indeed a scheme by prop 2.5




We suppose every element of S+ is nilpotent. In that case, let P be a (homogenous) prime ideal. 0 P, of course. And given any a S+, there is n > 1 where an = 0, so a P. But since a S+ was arbitrary, S+ P, which means that P ∈∕ProjS by the definition of Proj. And since P was arbitrary, ProjS = .

only if

Again, we want to prove that:

ProjS   = ∅ = ⇒   every element  of S+ is nilpotent

Let s S+. Okay. There is a wonderful little construction called the nildradical. It's the radical of (0), i.e., just all the nilpotent elements smashed together into a set:

      ∘  ----
N  =     (0)

(it's a proper ideal, cause otherwise we'd have 1 = 0)
Now, if this ideal were prime, we'd be done. Because thanks to ProjS = , we'd know that ∘  ----
   (0) S+, which is exactly what we're looking for. However, that isn't guaranteed.

I've been in a terrible mood–dizzy and tired all day, no matter how healthy I eat, or how much coffee I drink, or how much I sleep. I feel dizzy, useless, migrained. Is it depression? Nope. Its seasickness. No wonder the coffee isn't working. Seasick-on-land, itchy on the arms, always feeling out-of-place, underneath my comrades, homesick for a home warped out of its homely state–stuff my nose against fleshrot. At my desk with logistics for two days and two nights under a sack sanctioned and brushed under the rug by none other than myself, and as my spirits' stomachs and sanity and numbers and spirits wane, the further the inevitable return journey will be. And yet you press on, while self-preserving, just in case. Screams of women, God, someone shut the door. This isn't Romantic at all. What if it's time to turn back? How quickly can you get over your mistakes? WHACK. What is the relationship between means and ends? Are you able to see two days and two nights of failure as a mere blip in the grand scheme of things? In the first minute, two boys both lament the lack of prime-ness. Mal de debarquement. They start on the same square. But as the hours tick, and the sky reddens, one feels the impression of time more deeply than the other. Their paths begin to veer off. They both think, this is ridiculous, but one resolves to do the right thing, with meticulous localizations and numbers, while the other begins to realize that he can get there faster if a plays a darker game, and starts drinking more coffee, sees the seas in land–that type to not turn his head away from constructing pyramids made out of decapitated heads–pyramids made out of lies–and latches onto that terrible idea of something that can't be constructed. Not even in the mind. You think innocently first, and then, pathologically. I'm soulless at present. I need a few days to recover my soul. Ahhh, someone give me a hand, or I'll have to do it myself. Who makes themselves felt on the President's desk on the morning-of? How do you lie in your letter to snipe the rest?

"I had to use Zorn's Lemma. There was no other way."




Natural map

Let's not put the cart before the horse: Let's assume U is open now (why would we want that to be open anyway?). Denote X = ProjT and Y = ProjS. Let's define:

f : U ProjS
P ↦→ϕ-1(P)

Since the inverse image of prime ideals are prime. But hold on. Q = ϕ-1(P) may not be a valid member of ProjS, if Q S+. Now that's why we defined U. Note:

ϕ-1(P) S +
=⇒ϕ(ϕ-1(P)) ϕ(S +)
=⇒P ϕ(S+) cheatsheet
=⇒P ∕∈U

which is the contradiction. So ϕ-1(P) ProjS as needed.

Now to define the associated sheaf map. Given V open in Y , we want

f ♯(V  ) : OY (V ) →  OU  (f - 1(V ))

In which case, we can take a natural restriction of a map

            ⊔                   - 1           ⊔
{s : V  →       SQ  } →  {t : f   (V  ) →             TP }
           Q ∈V                                - 1
                                           P∈f    (V)

NATURAL: Compose with the induced maps of stalks ϕP.

U is open


U  = {P   ∈ ProjT  |P  ⊋  ϕ (S+ )}

This would be immediate if ϕ(S+) were an ideal, but that isn't necessarily the case. So we'll try and force our way in: Let's consider the smallest ideal containing it. My argument is that I can replace ϕ(S+) with the ideal I = (ϕ(S+)) generated by it. Now, P ϕ(S+) = ⇒P I, trivially, so I want to show the reverse of this statement. Let's suppose P I. Then there is some f I such that f ∕∈P. We can assume wlg that f is homogenous (if f = f0 + ⋅⋅ ⋅ + fn, then if fi P for each i, then f P). Then by definition of I, I can write f = x ϕ(g). If ϕ(g) P, then x ϕ(g) P i.e. f P, a contradiction. So ϕ(g) ϕ(S+), but ϕ(g) ∕∈P. So P ϕ(S+).

More next weekend.

← II.2.6,8,9 II.2.16,18 →