Depression Groove

ユーウツグルーヴ - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

遠くの空で 音も立てずに沈む Far off into the distance, silently falling.
やりたいことあったけど I had something I wanted to do.
太陽が 締め切りだ But the sun is signing off for the day.
行動しても しないままでも同じ It doesn't matter whether I act or not.
片付けられない心 With this unkempt heart,
そのままに 持ち越して I'll keep carrying on.
明日を乗り越えて I'll get through tomorrow.
その先もやり過ごして As well with the days following.
巻き戻してきた時計が And I've only just noticed,
壊れてることに 気がついた my watch, on rewind, is broken.
こぼれ落ちた歯車を数えた I counted the spilt gears.
時を刻み 生き返るまで Time ticks away, until resurrection,
あとどれくらい? how much longer?
噛み合わないゼンマイが The malfunctioning springs,
軋みながら 責め立てるの creak and writhe away.
踏み出して Spring up,
前を見て look forward,
今より 高みへ行け Climb higher than you have before
自分の無い 細切れの文字盤で With an identityless broken dial.
次から次へ The words, the strings of letters,
流れる言葉 文字列 from one to another.
本当のことだったのか Was it genuine?
偽者か 売り込みか Or was it an impostor? A sales pitch?
画面の中に Inside the screen,
わたしの価値も 夢も if my value, and my dreams,
映し出してくれたら can be projected,
あとはもう 眠るだけ after that, all that's left is sleep.
それがそう簡単じゃなくて It's not that simple.
どこかに落っこちてもいなくて No matter where it falls, it's gone.
数えたマルバツの合計 The correct and incorrect answers tallied up.
引き換えに教えて 合格点 Tell me the exchange rate. The passing score.
鉄の箱の神様は答える The God in the Iron Container speaks back.
この先のわたしの顔 My future face.
わたしの目的地 My future destination.
混み具合はどれくらい? What is the rate of congestion?
平均点 中央値は? What's the mean, median?
行き止まり どん詰まり The deadline. The dead end.
末路は秘密にして Speak not of my last hours.
形のない 細切れの人格で My formless, broken existence.
こぼれ落ちた歯車を数えた I counted the spilt gears.
時を刻み 生き返るまで Time ticks away, until resurrection,
あとどれくらい? how much longer?
噛み合わないゼンマイが The malfunctioning springs,
軋みながら 責め立てるの creak and writhe away.
踏み出して Spring up,
前を見て look forward,
今より 高みへ行け Climb higher than you have before
自分の無い 細切れの文字盤で With an identityless broken dial.