
vivid - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

鮮やかに過ぎ去ってゆく Along the dotted "cut here" line--the axis of time
キリトリ線の 時間軸に飲まれて is cut away so vividly before my eyes, swallowing me in its path.
足早に吸い込まれてゆくのは誰 Who is that person getting rushed and sucked ahead?
僕は誰になろう Who will I become?
すこぶる冷たく 喉がかわき続けるのは It's so damn cold. My throat feels dry.
狂ってるんだな Or is that just me going insane?
子どもの目で見た景色は 薄汚れては見えてないはず The sight before the children's eyes. They don't notice these blemishes, right?
荒んだ心で立ち上がれるなら If a wild heart can bring me to life,
何度だって泥沼に行く then I'll jump into the swamp everyday.
離れても追い越されても Even if we're separated, or even if you get ahead of me,
最後にはいずれ手を取りたい One day, I want to be able to take your hand.
転びそうなままでいても Even if I'm constantly on the verge of falling over,
忘れないでいたいままで Not wanting to forget,
塗りたくれ はみ出して I'll smear myself, and ooze out,
心のままに as much as I want.
馬鹿にされるくらいの嘘かホントかも Maybe I deserve to be mocked for such a ridiculous lie.
わからないことをして Not knowing what I'm doing,
手のひらが裏返っても鮮やかでも Even if it's on the back of my hand, even if it's all so clear,
信じたくないからさ I don't want to believe it
レースから離れて 誰も彼もが指差す 後ろからも Out of the rat race, everyone vies ahead, even from behind.
どこかの寄せ書きに書いた言葉のほうがマシに見えるな I'd rather take a cheesy motivational quote I once saw on a thank-you-card.
走り続けてくだろう 何者でも I'll keep running ahead. Anyone would.
何度だって地に伏せばいい I'll writhe on the floor like an animal, everyday.
ざらついて汗がにじんで I can dirty myself, be drenched in sweat.
まだまだ始まっていないから My life hasn't even begun, after all.
転びそうなままでいても Even if I'm constantly on the verge of falling over,
忘れないでいたいままで Not wanting to forget,
塗りたくれ はみ出して I'll smear myself, and ooze out,
心のままに as much as I want.
荒んだ心で立ち上がれるなら If a wild heart can bring me to life,
何度だって泥沼に行く then I'll jump into the swamp everyday.
離れても追い越されても Even if we're separated, even if you get ahead of me.
最後にはいずれ手を取りたい One day, I want to be able to take your hand.
転びそうなままでいても Even if I'm constantly on the verge of falling over,
忘れないでいたいままで Not wanting to forget,
塗りたくれ はみ出して I'll smear myself, and ooze out,
心のままに as much as I want.
何者でもいいから 知らないなら I can be anyone. And if I don't know,
何度だって地に伏せばいい I can writhe on the floor like an animal till I do.
まだはじまりすら起こってないから This life hasn't even begun, after all.