Fake Under-rim Glasses

アンダーリムの伊達メガネ - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

アンダーリムの伊達メガネ君から貰ったものだけど You gave me these fake under-rim glasses as a gift.
似合うようで似合わない鏡の前で見つめてる But putting them on in front of the mirror, I can't tell if they fit me well.
とってもとっても似合うよ 君はいつもそう言うね "It fits! It totally fits!" you always say.
私はそうは思わないけど なんとなくかけてます I don't really think so, but I still wear them for you.
ちょっとフレーム気になるよ 目線の下見えないな The frame feels a bit off. And I can't see what's below me.
顔を上げたらいいんでしょうか?戸惑いは消えないな Is it okay if I awkwardly raise my head up? I can't get rid of the self-consciousness.
あまり慣れない眺めだから I can't get used to the view with them on,
外したいけどなぁ so I kind of want to take them off.
そんな悲しい顔しないでよ Hey, don't make such a disappointed face!
アンダーリムの伊達メガネ君から貰ったものだけど You gave me these fake under-rim glasses as a gift.
回る回る世界観ピントが今は合わないな But when I put them on, the world feels like its spinning, and I can't get a clear focus.
それでもこの伊達メガネ 君から貰ったものだから Even then, because you gave them to me,
似合うようになりたいな がんばる私見ててよね I want to make them fit me. So watch me try my hardest!
とってもとっても似合うよ 鏡の声聞こえたよ I finally heard the mirror say, "It fits! It totally fits!"
私も良いと感じたから眼鏡かけ外に出た So feeling excited, I went out with them on.
ちょっと皆からかうよ 嘘がわかるカワイイね Everyone made fun of me. Told me "they're cute," in an obviously fake tone.
いつもはそんな気にしないけど 君のこと思い出す It's not that I care too much or anything, but I try to remember you.
やっぱ合わないワタシだから Well of course they don't fit me,
外したいけどなぁ so I kind of want to take them off.
なんで悔しいかな泣きそうだ I get kind of flustered, and start to tear up.
アンダーリムの伊達メガネ 涙が拭けない意地悪だ With these silly fake under-rim glasses on, I can't wipe my tears away.
普段よりも泣けないな そのくらい今許してよ Now I can't cry like I usually do. Come on, can't these glasses at least let me cry?
くしゃくしゃになった夜 Feeling kind of frustated, the day turns to night.
似合わないやっぱりそうさ These glasses definitely don't fit, huh.
それでも傍に君がいるから But still, since you're by my side,
似合うまであがいてみるさ I'll keep struggling until they do.
アンダーリムの伊達メガネ とんでもない物くれたよね These fake under-rim glasses is one heck of a crazy present.
うつむけないし泣けない 笑うことしかできないな They don't let me look down and cry. So all I can do now is laugh.
それでもこの伊達メガネ 君から貰ったものだから And yet these fake under-rim glasses, because you're the one who gave them to me,
うつむけないし泣けない 笑うことしかできないな They don't let me look down and cry. So all I can do now is laugh.
これじゃもう泣けない With these on, I can't cry anymore.
笑うこともっと増えました So I've started to laugh a lot more.