I'm still not too old to walk, so I'll keep giving it all I've got.

うごけない歳じゃないから まだまだ頑張るから - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

『つまんない』とかこの頃口癖になってるのはなぜかな It's funny how "Everything sucks," is so common to hear in today's age.
考える事さえ面倒頭の中にゴミがたまる I don't even have the motivation to think anymore, like it'll just add on more sludge in my head.
べつにする事ないとか仕事で嫌な事などないけど There's not really much for me to do here. It's not like I even hate this job or anything.
お腹の脇が重くて時々凄く吐きそうになるの My stomach just feels bad all day, God, I'm often on the verge puking.
嗚呼 怠さがとれないの Aah! I can't shake off this lethargy.
嗚呼 明日起きれるかな Aah! Will I even be able to wake up on time?
グルグル回る世の中がとても早すぎるの This world is way too dizzyingly fast.
フラフラで歩けなくなったら置いて行かれるだけ If you don't keep up, you'll be left behind.
もしもこのまま落ちて行ったら何か変化があるのかな If I just keep sinking deeper and deeper, will anything ever change?
怠い重い痛い身体はいずれ元に戻るかな Will this tired, heavy, hurting body ever go back to the way it used to be?
いくら悩みもがいたところで何もせずにダラダラしてれば Maybe I'll just ignore all my problems and sluggishly drag on.
今日も明日もずっと変わらず生きていればいいのかな Today, tomorrow... Do I really want to live the rest of my life like this?
このちっぽけな世界で生きる仕組みが In this little world, all these sad sacks of life,
わからなくなったら想い出すんだ when they start to lose hope, they may yet recall,
あの頃から続く情熱 the flames of their past.
ほら蘇るんだ自分を And watch themselves rise from the dead.
さあ! Now!
うごけない歳じゃないから まだまだ頑張るから I'm still not too old to walk, so I'll keep giving it all I've got.
うごけない歳じゃないから まだまだ頑張るから I'm still not too old to walk, so I'll keep giving it all I've got.