
(For SSO)
痴話喧嘩 | You two are fighting again. |
今日も激しいね | And today it's pretty intense, as usual. |
それがまたいいんだけどさ | But I kinda enjoy watching it. |
勝負始めたら | How when you guys fight, |
勝つまでやめないとこ | you'll keep going until you're "right." |
眠気を | You'll even lose sleep |
認めないとか | over such stuff. |
今日はマジ喧嘩 | Today you two are hella fighting. |
愚痴をこぼす君を見て | I'm a bit worried |
ちょっと心配だけどさ | about how you're being so petty. |
きっとすぐに仲直り | But I'm sure you'll make-up in no time. |
ほらね | Look at that. |
ごめんてさ(´・ω・`) | "Sorry (´・ω・`)" |
🙇🙇🙇で許してあげよ | "I'll forgive you if you get on your knees" |
ビジネスライクで | You guys have to be all businesslike |
いいね凄いとか | with your likes and reactions. |
色々あること知ってるの | I know you have a lot going on. |
でもね | But you know, |
二人が幸せであれば | if you two are happy together, |
なんでもいい | then everything is fine by me. |
てえてててえてて | I'm stanning stan-stan-stanning |
死んでんの | I'm literally dying. |
もうやっかい止まんなくて | I can't stop being so annoying, |
ごめん | I'm sorry, |
君らの | but it's all yalls |
せいね | fault, |
せいね | fault |
悶えてんの | I'm freakin out. |
スパチャはご祝儀ね | I'll tell yall in the superchat. |
え え え | E e e |
てえててえてて | I'm stanning stan-stan-stanning |
無意識ね | It's instinctual |
まじでやっかい止まんないわ | I literally cant stop being so annoying |
ごめん | I'm sorry |
私の | Yall are literally my |
生命 | life, |
生命 | life |
燃え尽きんの | It's like all burned out. |
それもまた | But don't worry, |
本望 | cuz this is what I want. |
👀👀👀く今日は仲いいね | 👀👀👀. You guys are friendly today. |
それも最高だけどさ | And that's something I love to see. |
二人プレイして | You're going 2-player. |
強力しよう!だとか | "Let's work together," |
都合あうきそうだとか | "Wow, we make a good team" |
今日のハイライト | In today's highlights, |
唐突な「 」を呼び | yall rushed through those names, |
かなりしんどいんだけどさ | which was kind of annoying. |
すぎにわかる | But that transparent |
\\\ | /// |
👈 | 👈 |
バカってさ | "I-Idiot," |
口角上がれっぱなし | you say, even as you're smiling. |
てえてててえてて | I'm stanning stan-stan-stanning |
死んでんの | I'm literally dying. |
これはやっかい止められんわ | I can't stop being so annoying, |
ごめん | I'm sorry. |
君らの | But yalls |
将来 | future, |
将来 | future. |
考えんの | I keep thinking about it. |
私ら | Us fans |
仲人ね | are kinda like your cupid rite. |
あ あ あ | a a a |
てえててえてて | Stanning stan-stan-stanning |
無意識ね | It's instinctual. |
口角天井突き破った | I'm grinning like a total idiot rite now. |
ごめん | I'm sorry, |
二人の | but yall's |
デート | date, |
デート | date. |
待ってるから | I can't wait for it. |
絶対 | So yall better |
動画下さい | upload a video of it. |
足りないとこは全部 | You've said before |
彼が埋めてくれるって | how he fulfills something missing in you. |
だから足りってるとこはちょっと | So would you please take a little bit of that filling |
分け合ってあげて欲しいんだよ | and share it with us. |
てえてててえてて | I'm stanning stan-stan-stanning |
死んでんの | I'm literally dying. |
もうやっかい止まんなくて | I can't stop being so annoying, |
ごめん | I'm sorry, |
君らの | but it's all yalls |
せいね | fault, |
せいね | fault |
悶えてんの | I'm freakin out. |
スパチャはご祝儀ね | I'll tell yall in superchat. |
てえてててえてて | I'm stanning stan-stan-stanning |
死んでんの | I'm literally dying. |
もうやっかい止まんなくて | I can't stop being so annoying, |
ごめん | I'm sorry, |
君らの | but it's all yalls |
せいね | fault, |
せいね | fault |
悶えてんの | I'm freakin out. |
スパチャはご祝儀ね | I'll tell yall in the superchat. |
え え え | E e e |
てえててえてて | I'm stanning stan-stan-stanning |
無意識ね | It's instinctual |
まじでやっかい止まんないわ | I literally cant stop being so annoying |
ごめん | I'm sorry |
私の | Yall are literally my |
生命 | life, |
生命 | life. |
灰になるの | it's like literally in ashes. |
これがもう | cuz this is |
本望 | what I really want. |