Taranta la Musica

(For SSO)
今宵はようこそお集まり頂きました | Good evening. Thank you for your attendance. |
お送り致しますは 伝え聞く 蜘蛛の悪魔の物語 | We would now like to present: The Story of theDevil Spiders. |
語り部は私 琴葉茜と 葵でございます | Narrated by myself, Kotonoha Akane, and Aoi. |
どうぞ 最期までお付き合い下さいませ | Please, stay seated as we take you through this journey. |
それは実体ない 電子の世界のゲンガンガー | They were apparitions: A Gjengangers of the electric field. |
腹を空かせて 魂を喰らいにやってきた | Hungry for souls, they arrived into this world, |
目を奪うような 双子の少女に化け | disguising themselves as two beautiful twin girls. |
赤い瞳で 獲物を探す | With those red eyes, they prowled for a victim. |
漆黒を 縫い上げた衣装 身に纏い 舞台に立つ | Wearing a dress woven jet black, they stood on the stage. |
(純白を 細く繰り取った糸で 舞台を編む) | (With pure white threads carefully spread, they wove their own stage). |
演目は 人の心を惑わす 呪いの詩 | And the performance, would be the cursed song that to lead people's hearts astray. |
タランタ・ラ・ムジカ 唱えてみたら | So they sang the Taranta-la-Musica, |
奈落の底深くから 闇とリズムが溢れ出した | and the darkness and rhythm came pouring up out of hell. |
タランタ・ラ・ムジカ 踊れ騒げや | Taranta-la-Musica, dance and scream, |
ビートが鳴り止むまで | until the beat rings no more. |
本当は死んじゃいない 情報化社会のゾンゾンビー | The zombies of modern society that never truly die. |
音に誘われ 何処からか集まってきた | Lured by the music, they gather to the stage. |
群れを導く 双子の少女と共に | Along with the twin girls leading the swarm, |
飛び跳ねながら 街を練り廻る | They jump out and scale the city. |
安寧を 齧るだけでは 満たされず 舞台を乞う | Having a taste of peace, they want more and beg for the spotlight. |
(混沌を 腹に抱けばそこが 舞台に為る) | (When your stomach embraces chaos, that's when you take the spotlight) |
終結を告げる帳は もう切り落とされた | The performance is supposed to be over, but the closing curtain's all torn up. |
タランタ・ラ・ムジカ 唱えてみたら | So they sang the Taranta-la-Musica, |
魘されたみたいに みんなリズムに乗り出した | They moved to the rhythm, as if in a lucid nightmare. |
タランタ・ラ・ムジカ 踊れ騒げや | Taranta-la-Musica, dance and scream, |
ビートが鳴り止むまで | until the beat rings no more. |
タランタ・ラ・ムジカ ふと気がつけば | Taranta-la-Musica. Suddenly waking up, |
腕も脚も全て 蜘蛛の囲に囚われていた | they notice their whole body trapped by the spider's web. |
タランタ・ラ・ムジカ 逃げようたって無理だ | Taranta-la-Musica. Now it's too late to escape. |
タランタ・ラ・ムジカ まるでマリオネッタ | Taranta-la-Musica. Like marionettes. |
心の無い 悪魔たちの思うままさ | Behest to the will of the heartless demons. |
タランタ・ラ・ムジカ 踊れ騒げや | Taranta-la-Musica, dance and scream, |
ビートが鳴り止むまで | until the beat rings no more. |