Melancholy of a Genius

才能メランコリー - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

憂鬱な朝が何度も過ぎては擦れ切れてく The depressing mornings pass by, wearing and tearing in their path.
夜とランデブー The rendezvous in the night.
想像を超えていく毎日 Hyperrealistic daily life.
なんてもん存在しなくて Such a thing doesn't exist.
日々こなしてく And so I trudge through the days.
さあイメージしよう Now, picture it:
君が抱いたいつまでだって甘い理想を Those sweet ideals that you've always cherished,
憐憫のライトが照らし出す lighted by the lamp of pity.
そうイメージしよう Yes, picture it:
いつか描いた完璧な自分の未来を That perfect future crafted by yourself,
皮肉は背後に潜めるもんさ with bitterness quietly lurking behind.
思考はもうバラバラになって My thoughts are all over the place.
塞ぎ込んでグダグダになって Always holed up inside, everything's all hazy.
不退転であれと願うのはこの魂 My soul prays for motivation's grand entrance.
反撃の合図を待って Waiting for the cue to launch a counterattack.
死線乗り越え掴み取るんだ I'll cross death's boundary and take what's mine.
不完全が目指すべき終着点だろう Imperfection is worth striving for; the final destination, after all.
分かってる I get it.
このままじゃいけないこと I can't keep going on like this.
いっそ消えてしまえれば "If I could just disappear,"
なんてそう捻くれても I moan and whine,
時は過ぎてく as time passes by.
さあイメージしよう Now, picture it:
劣等の本性 わがままばっかの木偶の坊 Your inherent worthlessness. A selfish loser.
暴きだすのは君自身 Your violently flailing body.
エスケープしよう Now escape:
君が望んだ驚天動地の世界へ Into that earth-shattering world you've always wanted.
お気に召すまま お好きにどうぞ As much as you like. Go ahead.
どうしようもない人生だ A pathetic life,
うまくいかないことばっかで where nothing goes right.
才能がないのが悪いよ Not even a hint of genius.
誰にも求められちゃいないよ Not wanted by anyone.
知らぬ存ぜぬが罷り通る世界で何を期待したんだろう What's there to look forward to in a world that doesn't tolerate ignorance?
都合が悪くなれば全部 As soon as something goes wrong,
「才能」のせいにして逃げた You blame it on your "genius" and run away.
ありふれた話さ It's not an uncommon story.
ねえそうでしょう? Am I right?
さあイメージしよう Now, picture it:
君が抱いたいつまでだって甘い理想を Those sweet ideals that you've always cherished,
憐憫のライトが照らし出す lighted by the lamp of pity.
エスケープしよう Escape:
君の望んだ驚天動地の世界へ To that earth-shattering world you've always wanted.
お気に召すまま お好きにどうぞ As much as you like. Go ahead.
思考はもうバラバラになって My thoughts are all over the place.
塞ぎ込んではグダグダになって Always holed up inside, everything's all hazy.
不退転であれと願うのはこの魂 My soul prays for motivation's grand entrance.
反撃の合図を待って Waiting for the cue to launch a counterattack.
死線乗り越え掴み取るんだ I'll cross death's boundary and take what's mine.
不完全こそ目指すべき終着点だろう Imperfection is worth striving for; the final destination, after all.