I Want to Eat Curry Bread!

かれーぱん!たべたい! ~Tabetai! Kare-pan~ - nicodouga

(For SSO)

かれーぱん かれーぱん Curry bread, curry bread.
かれーぱん ください! Give me curry bread!
かれーぱん かれーぱん Curry bread, curry bread.
かれーぱん たべたい!! I want to eat some curry bread!!
かれーぱん かれーぱん Curry bread, curry bread.
かれーぱん ください! Give me curry bread!
かれーぱん かれーぱん Curry bread, curry bread.
かれーぱん たべたい! I want to eat some curry bread!!
①かれーの畑にごはんあげ 1) Offer some rice to the curry field.
②毎日かかさずお世話して 2) Come back to visit and pray everyday,
③たわわに実ったかれーごはん! 3) And finally the branches shall bear curry rice!
これパンじゃないじゃないですか! Wait this ain't no bread ain't it!!!
(かれーぱん かれーぱん (Curry bread, curry bread.
かれーぱん ください! Give me curry bread!
かれーぱん かれーぱん) Curry bread, curry bread.)
「叶えてよ…」 流れ星に似た軌跡描き "Please come true..." In arcs like shooting stars,
空からきたる 数多のかれーぱん! Cometh from the sky, countless curry breads!
「わたしが受け止めてあげる!」 "I'll take it all by myself!"
かかってこい ちょー特大かれーぱん! Bring it on! Suuuper gigantic curry bread!
はっ 何だ夢か Haa... What kinda dream was that.
みえる景色は いつでも明快! The things I see are always so lucid!
超展開で 壮大! さぁさ These huge developments, grand! Now, now,
ちょうだい かれーぱん! Give me my curry bread!
「って感じでね、かれーぱんたべたい」 "Yeah so, I'm like craving curry bread."
「ど…どんな感じやねん?」 "L-like, how much?"
「たべたいよねぇ…」 "Like, 'I really want it man.'"
「たべたいですよね!」 "Like, 'Really want it', right!?"
「駅前に素敵なパン屋さんがあるって マキさん言ってましたよ」 "According to Maki, there's a lovely bread shop by the station."
「いいね〜! よし、じゃあ…」 "Awesome! Alright, let's..."
「行ってみよ〜!」 "GO!!!!!"
「おーっ!!」 "YAY!!"
待ってなんていられない! I can't wait anymore!
「待ってなんていられない!」 "I can't wait anymore!"
向かうよ話題のパン屋さん! Open up yo, famed breadman!
今日開いてへんやないか…(うそ!?) Hold up. It ain't open today.. (Srsly!?)
かれーぱん かれーぱん Curry bread, curry bread.
かれーぱん でてこい! Curry bread, come out!
かれーぱん かれーぱん Curry bread, curry bread.
かれーぱん いずこ… Curry bread where are ye...
かれーぱん かれーぱん Curry bread, curry bread.
かれーぱん たべたい! I wanna eat some curry bread!
かれーぱん かれーぱん Curry bread, curry bread.
「こたえてよ…」 手を伸ばしても届かない そんな "Pls respond..." no matter how much I try, it eludes me.
誰もが羨む 最上級のかれーぱん! That widely coveted, supreme curry bread!
「わたしが受け止めてあげる!」 "I'll take it all by myself!"
だからねぇ ちょっとくらいいでしょ…? So, y'know, can't I at least have a little...?
あの空へ 星があまねく銀河へ Into that sky, into that starry Milky Way,
(いつか どこかで会った あのかれーぱんへ) (That curry bread, that I met, on that fateful day)
この願い どうか届けてください Please, let this wish reach you.
ぷりーず PLEASE.
ぎっみ GIB ME.
かれーぱん!! CURRY BREAD!!
「あかんな…今日のところはもう諦め…」 "No luck.. Let's give up for toda--"
「こうなったらもう…」 "If it's come to this, then..."
かれーぱん降臨の儀を執り行うしかないよ! We have to perform the Curry Bread Summoning Ritual!
か、かれーぱん降臨の儀…!? C-curry Bread Summoning Ritual!?
お姉ちゃん、わたしについてきて! Sis, follow me!
よっしゃ、ええで♪ Aight, that's cool♪
かれーぱん・かれーぱん Curry bread・Curry bread
かれーぱん・かれーぱん Curry bread・Curry bread
かれーぱん・かれーぱん Curry bread・Curry bread
かれーぱん・かれーぱん Curry bread・Curry bread
ぱんかれー・ぱんかれー Bread curry・Bread curry
ぱんかれー・ぱんかれー Bread curry・Bread curry
がんばれー・がんばれー Do your best・Do your best
がんばれー・がんばれー Do your best・Do your best
おいでませませかれーぱん Come out, come out, curry bread.
おいでませませかれーぱん Come out, come out, curry bread.
おいでませませかれーぱん Come out, come out, curry bread.
おいでませませかれーぱん Come out, come out, curry bread.
いますぐくださいかれーぱん Give me curry bread right now.
いますぐくださいかれーぱん Give me curry bread right now.
どしてもたべたいかれーぱん I really really wanna eat curry bread.
どしてもたべたいかれーぱん I really really wanna eat curry bread.
「かれーぱんと聞いて!」 "Did someone say curry bread!"
「え?」 "Wha?"
「え?」 "Wha?"
叶うなら ひとりひとつかれーぱん If it's going to come, let it be spread individually,
そして誰もが分け合う優しい未来を So everyone can share and have some, that's the future I want,
わたしを受け止めてくれる… Please accept me...
みんなに 届け!! Give some to everyone!
見上げたら 流れ星に似た軌跡描き And as I look up, in arcs in the image of shooting stars,
空から来たる 数多のかれーぱん!! They cometh from the sky, countless curry breads!
わたしが 受け止めてあげる! I'll take it all by myself!
かかってこい! ちょーおいしいかれーぱん! Bring it on! Suuuper tasty curry bread!
この世界にかれーぱん! Curry bread for this world!
ちょーだいすきかれーぱん!! The curry bread I hella love!!
はっ 何だ夢…じゃない!? Haa.. It... WASN'T a dream!?
枕元には山盛りかれーぱん!! By my pillow, a heap of curry bread!!
そして最高の達成感!? A feeling of accomplishment!?
やっと会えたね かれーぱん! I've finally found you, curry bread!
大好き かれーぱん! I love you, curry bread!