Shakin' Girl

Shakin' Girl - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

「はじめまし」 今日のサンセット "Nice to meet you" - today's sunset.
ah 揺れる想いのバースデイ ah, a birthday of stray thoughts.
行く当てもない蝶は飛び去った That aimlessly wandering butterfly has left.
誰も知らない逃避旅行 An unknown escape.
ウラオモテどうだって What's on the inside, outside,
とかどうでもいいんだって I don't care about this or that.
寄せては返す波のよう Like the waves of the sea coming and going,
今さえ楽しきゃそれでいいじゃん? Let's just have fun in the moment, can't we?
不確かなストライド An imprecise stride,
足跡すらないけれど leaving behind not even foot prints.
そう願ってる 言葉口ずさんで揺蕩う I'm hoping for that: to just hum my words and drift about.
いつの日も No matter what day it is,
ふわり踊る We'll keep dancing away so lightly,
ふたりそんなガール because we're that kind of girl.
舞い上がる 浮遊感 Soaring, that floating feeling.
Who were making you smile?  who were making you smile?
付和雷同な僕 無垢に染まっていく Letting go, and being enveloped by purity.
愛されても Whether I'm loved,
愛されなくても or not,
この時は進み続けてる This moment will go on.
いつかキミと笑い合えたなら...   As long as I can laugh away with you...
「ねえ、ちょっと聞いてる?」 "Hey, are you listening?"
お気に入りの靴でステップ Stepping along in my favorite shoes.
ah 跳ねる心にスポットライト ah, a spotlight in my fluttering heart.
窓に映った夢はビビッド A dream reflected in my window, so vivid.
見上げてるチルな空模様 And the weather up there looks nice and chill.
良し悪しがどうだって Good or bad, or whatever,
とか何とか言ったって Whatever you say,
押しては引いた恋のよう Like a push n pull love,
今さえ信じりゃそれでいいじゃん? If we just believe in now, isn't that enough?
メイビー Maybe,
変わる girl world loop 流行に身を任せて I could follow the girl world loop--that constantly changing fad.
でもねそれじゃキミと居る意味がないや But that'd defeat the purpose of being with you.
ひたすら繰り返す感情を This feeling, repeated intently over and over,
飽きるほどの日常を and this daily life that gets so tiring,
全部さっぱり --yes forget of that nonsense,
セカイすら忘れて揺蕩う let's forget the whole world and just drift away.
どんな日も No matter what day it is,
ふわり踊る We'll keep dancing away so lightly,
ふたりそんなガール because we're that kind of girl.
舞 a girl who 遊 can Dance a girl who plays can
Who were making you smile? Who were making you smile?
付和雷同な僕 無垢に歌っている Letting go, and singing in purity.
愛されても Whether I'm loved,
愛されなくても or not,
この星は廻り続けてる These stars will keep spinning.
いつかキミと笑い合えたなら... As long as I can laugh away with you...
「なんかいけそう!」 "Hey, this could work!"
ゆらり ゆらり ゆらり ゆらり ゆらり Lightly, lightly, lightly, lightly, lightly.
のらり くらり ふわり ふたり Lazily, carelessly, fluffily, together.
またいつかキミと外へ飛び出して One day, let's go outside again.
「ああ...やっぱダメかも?」 "Aah... maybe this won't work afterall?"
「はじめまして」明日のサンライズ "Nice to meet you," tomorrow's sunrise.
ah 手を繋ぎ タユタウ ah, we join hands, and float along.