
センシティブ - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

さよなら、またどこかでね Goodbye, we'll meet again.
触れた肌も舌も忘れないでね Don't forget how my skin felt, nor my tongue.
ほら、あーらったったった Come on, on on on on.
さよなら、遊びだったね、 Goodbye, it was all just a game wasn't it.
どうせ君も本気じゃ無かったよね You weren't any more serious about it than me.
もう、あ、らったったった So that's enough, nuff nuff nuff.
くだらない昨夜だったね Yesterday was boring as hell.
浮いた気持ち流されて、沈んで Whatever feelings there were, were washed and drowned away.
そのまま、ってこれは綺麗事だな And along that way--wait, it was a beautiful thing wasn't it.
化粧の崩れた私を照らす My broken makeup brings my face out.
朝日が鬱陶しい The morning sun is depressing.
温くなった水が染みる And I'm sitting in water that's turned lukewarm.
せめてカラコンだけはとるか Well, I should at least remove my circle lens before bed.
おやすみ。 Good night.
くれよ、くれよ、くれよ。 Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me.
幸せなんてどこに落ちているんだ Where did I drop my happiness?
お金じゃ買えないなら拾ってよ If you're out of money, get some from the floor.
めちゃくちゃに欲しがって Want it till you you're a total mess.
くれよ、くれよ、くれよ、くれよ。 Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me.
誰だよ、私を泣かせる奴は。 Who's the person that can make me cry.
上辺だけ見るなよ、もう分かってよ I'm more than my looks. Understand me.
ぐしゃぐしゃに愛をつめてよ! Throw all your love in till you're a total mess!
しょうもない遊びだったな It was all a stupid game, huh.
食べて寝てを繰り返して、沈んで Now I'm just eating, sleeping, rinse and repeat. Drowning.
これから、私はどうすればいい? What should do I do with my life?
綺麗な言葉を吐き出してもさ Even if I try to string together beautiful platitudes,
嘘が透けて見える the lies are as clear as day.
健気なんてとっくに捨てた I've thrown away all my dignity.
だから、身体だけは正直にね? So, let's just use our bodies, shall we?
とはいっても心は寂しくて That being said, my heart still weeps.
昔の写真を振り返っても I look back at our old photos,
過去の恋愛、無邪気な自分、 Our past love, how innocent I was.
残したモノは輝いてて What you left behind still shines.
今じゃ冷めたベッドじゃ足りなくて I can't stand sleeping alone like this.
髪についた煙草の匂い With the smell of cigarettes in my hair.
やだよ、やだよ、3、2 I hate it, I hate it, 3, 2...
くれよ、くれよ、くれよ、くれよ! Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me.
幸せなんてどこに落ちているんだ Where did I drop my happiness?
お金じゃ買えないなら拾ってよ If you're out of money, get some from the floor.
めちゃくちゃに欲しがって Want it till you you're a total mess.
くれよ、くれよ、くれよ、くれよ。 Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me.
誰だよ、私を泣かせる奴は。 Who's the person that can make me cry.
つまらないことばっか言わせないで I'm tired of all this smalltalk.
ぐしゃぐしゃに愛をつめてよ! Throw all your love in till you're a total mess!
さよなら、またどこかでね Goodbye, we'll meet again.
くれた愛も、すぐに忘れちゃうから That love you gave me, I'll forget it before I know it.
ほら、あーらったったった So now, now now now.
さよなら、また朝が来る。 Goodbye, another morning will come.
頬に、熱い温度ひとつ残して With all that's left behind a patch of warmth on my cheek.
もう、あ、らったったった Damn, ah, enuff nuff nuff.