3 Minute Journey

三分のトラベル - nicodouga

(For SSO)

え?まず~!遅れる予感の時間 Oh no! I'm going to be late
経路を計算間に合う算段 Gotta think of the best route, how to make it on time!
見慣れぬ景観危うく遭難 Ended up somewhere I don't know, a near disaster
何とか帰還ミスはノーカン Somehow I made it back without screwing up
オンタイムに戻した英断 Made a smart decision and got in ontime
人目を気にしな~ ...Don't mind everyone's glances
優雅なdance A glorious dance
テンポをお願~clap your hands Gimme the tempo~clap your hands
謙虚のけもな~Step and turn Throw away your shame~step and turn
Heat up 身体を操れ Heat up, use your body
Speed up 転ぶ手前まで Speed up, roll around and almost run into me
Read up 全部理解して Read up, understand all the world
Capture all of their sights だけど Capture all of their sights, and yet
pick up 貴方の手を引き Pick up, I take your hand
roll up 舞台を降りたら Roll up, getting off the dance floor
tie up 朝日を迎えよ Tie up, getting ready for tomorrow
煙に巻いた人々横目 All those confused bystander's glances
定時になったらけんもほろろ When the clock hits, it's time to get curt
華麗に躱して駆け抜けるこの世 Elegantly dodge and get out of this hole
そぞろごとには腕の見せ所 Big truths get revealed in smalltalk
無くせしどろもどろ Get rid of all the fluff
守れ我が心 Protect your heart
ようやく到着貴方とリゾート Finally, I made it. At the resort with you!
気分は子供高まる鼓動 I feel just like a kid again. Exciting!
毎回感動理想のエスコート You're like the ideal escort, you know?
落ち着こ?ひとまずテンポを落とそう Maybe we should take a breather? First bring down the tempo.
この店でこれを食べたら After we eat the you-know-what at the you-know-where
その足でそこにもいこう Let's go to you-know-where
あそこにはあれがあるね They have you-know-what there, don't they.
どこがいい?気の向くままに What do you think? Let's just improvise..
Wake up 揺り起こす意識 Wake up your consciousness
Shake up 引き起こす革命 Shake up, cause a revolution
Make up 嘘をでっちあけて Make up, go ahead and spread a hoax
Show you anything you want だから Show you anything you want, and keep on
Jet up すぐに片付けて Jet up, hurry and clean it up
Catch up 今に追いついて Catch up to the present hour
Look up さらに上向いて Look up, even further up
Whip up めくるめく世を生みだす Whip up, bring about a spinny world
Ring up ここに呼び出して Ring up, bring it over here.
Shoot up 目と目を合わせて Shoot up, bring your eyes to mine
Drive up 響く心拍数 Drive up your pulsing heart rate
気取られぬようにだから In an unpretentious way, and keep on
Talk up 貴方の隣で Talk up, right by your side
Keep up 両手を絡めて Keep up, let's join our hands together
Heal up 傷つく記憶も Heal up, even your most traumatic memories
たちまち素敵に上書き Prettily overwrite them in the snap of a finger
Grade up 望みを繋いで Grade up, let's join our hopes together
Trade up 飢えた獣たち Trade up, all of our starving monsters
Fade up 輪郭を帯びたら Fade up, wear your boundaries, and
派手に暴れてつまり Get sassy and go wild. In other words
Bite down Bite down
Eat up Eat up
Gulp down Gulp down
全て取り込んで無敵になる Conquer everything and become unstoppable