
saiph - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

茹だる夏の真夜中 夢から転げ落ちた At midnight in the burning summer, it fell from the dream:
募る汗と丸まった背中 また昨日と変わらない That exacerbating sweat and my curled up back. Same as yesterday.
「星は未だ輝いてる」 じっと曙光を待っていた "The stars are still shining," I said waiting for the light of dawn.
縁取は仄青く 微睡む僕をまた連れていくんだ As I fall asleep, the faded blue hemming, sweeps me away again.
茹だる夏の真夜中 夢から転げ落ちた At midnight in the burning summer, it fell from the dream.
淀足、このままじゃ 綺麗な朝はないな My feet submerged, at this rate, the beautiful morning won't come.
ほら Look.
闘争心は飽和して Satiate your warring heart.
表情筋と会話して Converse with your mimetic muscles.
諜報戦を見渡して Survey the Intelligence.
能動的ばっか探して Look out for anything that moves.
妄想は今、崩壊していく Now, your delusions will crumble.
焦燥感を追い出して Chase out your anxiety.
今日も賢く躱して Keenly dodge today again.
オリオン座"k"は泣いていた The Kappa Orion cried.
駄目だなぁ。 This ain't good, huh...
望遠したSaiph 公転は止まらない Saiph, spotted far off, won't stop its spatial revolution.
浅薄な暮らし 右脳は過熟前 A shallow life. Your right brain in pre-postmaturity.
目を覚ませ! Wake up!