
protocol - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

罪のない棘で With a pure thorn,
裂いた 皮膚の傷に pierced through my skin,
滲み出る 血の赤さ there's the blood spilling out:
痛みのサイン the sign of pain.
この暮らしの色の To ensure a sense of safety,
平和 守るために in this life of mine,
巻きつけるテープ I patched it up with some tape.
その前に But before that,
あなたに見せた I had to show it to you.
すぐに消える傷だけど This wound will heal in no time,
あなたからの but I still want to hear words of sympathy
言葉が欲しくて from you.
目に映る傷だから And since this wound is at least visible,
少しは伝わるかな perhaps I may convey something to you.
どこにも見えない傷口を A wound that will never be seen,
言葉にできない痛みを Pain that cannot be expressed in words.
伝えるための合言葉が I suppose the key to convey these things
作られていないかな has never been crafted.
あなたの見えない In this room,
この部屋で separated far from you,
言葉だけの繋がりだけ connected only through words.
どこかで Somewhere out there,
わたしと同じ血を流して you're also spilling blood,
繋がるために to maintain our connection.
指で触れるだけで This screen connects the whole world,
世界 繋がる画面 with the tap of a finger.
いつか この One day,
リアルな痛み I'll be able to take this pain,
光に乗せて and send it to you through light.
満たされるための嘘さえ So many comforting lies, certainly,
とめどなく広がる can so easily spread like wildfire.
だけど 心の底から But deep down,
拡げたい想いがある there's feelings I truly want to spread.
どこにも見えない傷口を A wound that will never be seen,
言葉にできない痛みを Pain that cannot be expressed in words.
伝えるための合言葉が I suppose the key to convey these things
作られていないかな has never been crafted.
あなたの見えない In this room,
この部屋で separated far from you,
言葉だけの繋がりだけ connected only through words.
わたしの痛みに If you could just get a touch of my pain,
触れるだけでいい then I'd be fine.
だけど 今も And yet,
薄切りにされた All that gets spread,
世界だけが is this finely cut up world
遠く 浅く 広がる so far, and shallow.
切り取られた言葉の And only the scraps of my words,
欠片が extracted from me,
孤独に歩いてく walk away lonely.
どこにも見えない傷口を A wound that will never be seen,
言葉にできない痛みを Pain that cannot be expressed in words.
伝えるための合言葉が I suppose the key to convey these things
作られていないかな has never been crafted.
あなたの見えない In this room,
この部屋で separated far from you,
言葉だけの繋がりだけ connected only through words.
どこかで Somewhere out there,
わたしと同じ血を流して you're also spilling blood,
繋がるために to maintain our connection.