Private Song

プライベートソング - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

なりたい自分なんて無いけど I don't particularly have any ambitions,
どうにもつまらない but life is pretty boring this way.
覚悟はあるって口先ばかり I say I have motivation, but not really.
オトナのフリしてる I'm pretending to be an adult.
時計の針は12を過ぎて The hour hand passes 12.
お腹を空かせてる My stomach gets empty.
呼吸もまともに出来ないままに I can't even breathe properly,
時に侵されていく as time attacks me again.
足りないと分かっているのなら If I knew something was missing,
補えばいいだけなのに then I'd go ahead and fulfill it.
それさえも見失っていたんだ But I can't even tell if that's the case.
今も迷ってる And even today, I'm lost.
消えないでプライベートソング Don't disappear, private song.
わたしだけ手放さないでね Please don't let go of me.
消えたいと願った夜の As strongly as the silence
静寂のように強く抱きしめて on those nights I wanted to disappear, hold me tight.
ねぇ Will you?
本当の気持ちを 無くしてずっと 上手に笑ってる How long I've erased, my true feelings, with my mastery of fake laughter.
言葉にまともに 出来ないことを 考え続けてる All those things, I can't put into words, I still think of.
諦めりゃ簡単なのにどうしても忘れられない It would be easy to just give it up, but I can't forget about it.
そんな自分も許してしまう And because I let myself off so easy there,
自分が嫌になる I hate myself.
止めないでプライベートソング Don't stop, private song.
頭の中埋め尽くしてほしい I want you to bury yourself in my head.
孤独だと泣いたキミを You, who sobbed about how lonely you are,
私の代わりに強く抱きしめて hold me tight, in my place.
ねぇ Will you?
消えないでプライベートソング Don't disappear, private song.
あなただけ手放さないでね Only you, don't let go of me.
消えたいと願った夜の As strongly as the silence
静寂のように強く抱きしめて on those nights I wanted to disappear, hold me tight.
ほら Come on.
止めないでプライベートソング Don't stop, private song.
歩き出したキミへのファンファーレ This is a fanfare for how you've begun walking.
消えないよ全ての日々が All those days past,
いつもここにある will always be here.
全部キミのためにある And it's all for your sake.
ほら Come on.