Teach me, Literature Boy

Teach me, Literature Boy - YT|nicodouga
(For SSO)
理由もなく話したくない | I don't wanna talk without a reason |
過程のない A を信じない | I won't believe in an "A" without a rubric |
貴方のくだらないポリシー | Your stupid policy |
誰か色に染まっていくね | is going to be blemished with someone else's color |
気分任せなんて言っては | Leaving your actions up to your feelings |
手加減ない i を乗算して | Is like carelessly multiplying the number "i" |
存在すらしない好奇心に | And yet I was tickled by a nonexistent curiousity |
擽られる淡い奇遇 | coming from our unintended little meeting |
見逃すsin 比率教えてよ | Tell me your "overlooked sin" rate |
きっと同じじゃない | Surely it isn't the same |
難しい言葉では | It's something you can't solve |
解辿れないの | using complicated words |
曖昧なのが好きじゃないのに | I don't like it when things are vague |
感覚じゃどうにもなんないよ | and yet my sensations are failing me |
一体どれだけ遠くて | Just how far away is it? |
一歩でどこまで近づくの | How far can I get with a single step? |
ハートを増やすための法則を | I just want to know a thing or two about |
ちょっとでも知りたいだけなのに | how to increase my number of hearts |
全くどうにも上手くいかないの | It's not working out for me at all. |
線形的思考法は | The linear method of thinking |
形のないものに通じない | Breaks down for things without form |
区別のできない値を | Things that aren't divided by value, |
私はサンプルにはしない | are things I won't sample |
どこかでまた逢えるなんてさ | "One day we will meet again" |
違和感ないような展開して | are words that make me feel uneasy about what's to come |
未だに思い出せるシーン | In the memories that I've still kept, |
混在するは対偶 | contraposition is chaos |
密なデザイン | I'll make a dense design |
昨日をイミテイション | I'll try to imitate yesterday |
取って付けた答え | I'll regurgitate a response |
私に足りないものを | Won't you teach me |
どうか教えてよ | what I'm missing |
不完全なまま日々をシミュレート | I'll simulate even imperfect days |
ちょっとでも正答するために | Just to find the correct answer |
毎晩ルート断ち切って | I'll cut apart my nightly route |
全数分岐を探索 | Search for a 100% walkthrough |
でも ゲームみたいに | But it's not like a game, where you can choose |
ハイか イイエの | "Yes" or "No", |
選択で決められないならば | Without options like that, |
考えていてもクリアできないの | I can't win no matter how much I think |
選んだ会話 間違っていたのかな | The conversation topic I selected... I didn't screw it up did I |
コマンドにはない選択肢が 正解かぁ | This option I couldn't control.. Was it correct? |
分からないなぁ | I dunno man.. |
〇と×の境界線を教えてよ | Please show me the line between X and O |
貴方の書いた手紙によれば | Going by this letter you wrote, |
今夜は満月らしい | Tonight there's going to be a full moon |
一体何が言いたくて | Not know what the hell I want to say, |
暗号みたいな詩を書くの | I write some kind of subliminal poem |
ハートの数も分からないまま | Without being able to count my hearts, |
前には踏み出せない私 | to me who can't step forward |
ゆっくり手を引く文学少年 | it's the young literature boy that yields his hand |
足りない筈の i のパラメータ | An "i" parameter which I thought was lacking |
アバンチュールに程遠い物語 | A story far from a love affair |
一体何が実数で | Where are all the real numbers? |
想いを象る式はどれ | Where are the models to represent thoughts? |
ハートの数もわからないのに | Despite not having a heart counter, |
同値と決めつけている | you're still able to evaluate the amount of health |
やっぱり貴方は文学少年 | Yes, you're definitely a literature boy |
本当にもしも命題が真なら | If perhaps the theory is true... |
根拠もなく信じるなら | If I just believe it without proof... |
全ては外れ値だね | Then everything's an outlier, eh? |
私があなたを模して言葉を贈るなら | If I take after you, and speak some words... |
例えばそうね | Then maybe it can be something like |
月まで歩きましょう | Let's walk until we reach the moon |