I can (not) make you happy

おしあわせに♡できない - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

あのときはちょっと Even though back then
仲良くしてやったけど we got along kinda well,
もうそんなおままごとしないから I hafta cut it out with this sorta make-believe.
ぐつぐつニコまれてく Your striking responses.
ストライキレスポンス How you made me simmer away in laughter.
できたらキミにプレゼントしたいな How I'd like to give you a present in return.
こっちは毎日を 必死に生きてんのに I'm barely getting by through this life,
そんなボクに「ヒマだなあ」とか and you're really gonna tell me
言ってくんの? "You have too much time on your hands"?
雨のとこは避けて Escape the rain.
嘘をメイクして 被害者面 Make up lies, and play the victim.
ほんと楽しそうでうらやましいや Sounds like so much fun. I'm jealous.
キミってやつはほんといいよね You're such a good person, yknow.
明日だけを考えて Think only of tomorrow.
ゲームして 夜更かしして Let's play games together, stay up all night.
それで寝不足で困ってますってか But then you'd be sleep deprived, which I wouldn't like.
ボクが全部悪い It's all my fault.
ボクは何も悪くない I did nothing wrong.
苦しい幸せを 今日も摂取 This painful happiness, I continue to soak in.
頭の中ぐるぐる My head is spinning.
目が覚めたら 不幸が待っている When I wake up, depression awaits.
こわれている 全部きっと It's all falling apart, definitely.
ぱっとソラへトんで I'll f l y i n t o t h e s k y.
ふわり ふわりらり Lightly, gently.
安心をきざんでゆく Cutting through my sense of peace
たった数時間でとけてしまうまほう This magic spell will wear off in just a few hours.
そんな幻覚まぼろし That sort of phantomhalllucination
すがっていくしかないの I won't fall for it.
雨のとこは避けて Escape the rain.
嘘をメイクして 被害者面 Make up lies, and play the victim.
ほんと楽しそうでうらやましいや Sounds fun. I'm jealous.
ああもうきらわれたんだね Aah, and now you hate me.
もうきらってよ Fine, hate me!
きらわれたくない I don't want you to hate me.
ごめんなさい I'm sorry...
助けてお願い Please help me.
消えろよクズってつきはなして Tell me to disappear call me a bitch and push me away.
やだずっとそばにいて 愛してほしい No please I want you to be with me. I want you to love me.
ボクが全部悪い It's all my fault.
ボクは何も悪くない I did nothing wrong.
苦しい幸せを 今日も摂取 This painful happiness, I continue to soak in.