Are you in a Good Bad Mood today?

お気持ち表明いいですか? - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

お気持ち表明いいですか? Are you in a good bad mood today?
早く表明させてください! Please let me vent right now!
難しいゲームクリアできたと思ったら I thought I beat a really difficult game,
イージーモードだったらしくてめちゃめちゃ悔しいです!(チクショー!) but I found out I was playing on easy mode! (Wtf!)
さっき私にどーんって当たってきた人が You know that person that kept botherin me?
階段で躓いてるのを見てめっっちゃ気持ちよかった!(キモチー) I saw them stumble down the steps the other day (it felt gewd!)
猫に埋まりたい! I wanna be buried in cats!
やばい好きすぎる Oh no, I like em too much.
起きたら午後5時だったまじ無理 I've been waking up at 5pm lately, not good.
砂糖と塩を間違えちゃったけどこれも美味しくてHappy!(イェーイ) I accidentally switched the salt and sugar, but it tastes good so I'm Happy! (Yay)
そんなことよりカレーうどんが食べたいです Anyway, I could go for some curry udon.
この胸に秘められた願い All these wishes hidden in my heart,
全部叶えるとか無理なんだけど I can't expect them to all be granted.
みーんな幸せになーれっていう気持ちはあるんだけどね But I still want eeeveryone to be happy!
明日の心は晴れますようににに Everyone, I hope you wake up with a clear mind tomorrow-row-row.
ぴえん とか グアア でも何でもそのまま吐き出しちゃって Boohoo, or Guahaha, say whatever's on your mind.
もうなんかそんなことどうでもよくなっちゃうかもしれないし Man it's like who even cares anymore you know.
でも捻って曲がって尖って刺さったら大惨事! But if you twist and bend and pierce and stuff things will go awry!
隠しきれないくらいでいいのかもねねね Better not to hide it huh huh huh.
わかる わからん とかなんにもないかもしれないけれど I get it. I don't. Does it even matter at this point.
弾けそうになってた風船が軽くなったらOK! If the balloon was bout to pop, it's OK for it to lose air.
正しい とか 全然だめだめだ! とか混ぜるな危険!で濁らせちゃうと There's no such thing as "correct"! Watch out it's dangerous! Now it's all ambiguous, so
ばーんって破裂しちゃうのかもしれないねねね "Bam!" it's gonna pop I think you know know know.
はみゃにぇみりゃ Ha-mya-nie-mi-rya!
つららららららら らららららららら らららららららら らららららららら らららららららら らららららららら らららららららら らららららい It's ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-hard
つららららららら らららららららら らららららららら らららららららら らららららららら らららららららら らみっ It's ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-hard, but
●◆を乗り越えた先にはきっと幸せが待っている if you conquer it, happiness awaits ahead.
とも限らなーい ...Or not.
お気持ちじゃないけどいいですか? I don't have any feelings, but how are you doing?
この曲ってAメロ→Bメロ→サビっていうよくある構成だと思うんですけど、 This song is has the popular structure of A->B->Hook,
あと今のコード進行も同じの繰り返してますよね? But the chord progression right now is just repeating itself right?
あ、ここからお気持ちなんですけど、 Ah, after this is the "feeling," but
たまには変なコードとか使ってみませんか?私そういうの好きなので sometimes it's cool to sneak in a weird chord, right? I like that stuff.
いええええええええええええええええい Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
なんかよくわかんないけどめっちゃ盛り上がってみます楽しい!!!楽しい!!!楽しすぎる!!! I don't really get it but it's exciting and fun! Fun! Way too fun!
ねえさっき怒ってた? Hey, are you mad at me?
怒ってないよ?無感情 No I'm not? I'm emotioneless.
急に曲調変えられてもみんな混乱すr The melody randomly changed so everyone got confu--
私は平気です!! I'm fine!!
さっきの勢いでサビ来てくれると期待してたのに全然来ないじゃないですか! Now the hook is gonna come back, and I'm not even excited anymore! (Wha!?)
昨日から今日まで大きく気分を変えてもいいじゃん Let's have a big mood swing today compared to yesterday.
今日のほうが本当の気持ちに近づいたのかもしれないし Today feels closer to my true feelings, after all.
でも無理して弾いてうねって後ろから大パンチ! But I strain myself and play and twist and punch you from behind!
そんな力なくてもいいのかもねねね Well, I'm not that strong anyway so whatever-er-er-er.
この小さな引力感じてそのまま引き合うほうへ Let's submit to this tiny attractive force and come together.
こぼれそうになってた水晶のかけらをゆっくりキャッチン! That vase is about to tip over and uh oh "Cachin!"
あれがいい! とか ああいうものが欲しい! とか小さな結晶大事にしたら "Ooh that looks good!" "Oh I want that!" and with that sentiment, be careful with the glass.
どーんって押さずに済むかもしれないねねね Then you might not drop it again that way way way.
らにゅみゃいぇぴゃぴゃぴゃ ra-nyu-mya-ie-pya-pya-pya
クッヴィウヌがヒョウヴェでネッバマシアとか常識だよね "Kuvuinu and hyuvue and nebamashia" is common sense, right.
スィーアッデのコフェウがツィネッギュミなのも当たり前だし "Sweeadde's covfefe is like a tsuinegyumi" is something everyone knows, rite.
それって自分の世界でコモンなセンスでしょ?大正解! That's common sense at least in my own world. Correct!
知らない世界もあっていいんだよねねね It's okay if there are worlds out there that you don't know.
すごい! とか 良い! にも隠れた気持ちは見えてるけれど "Amazing!, "cool!" I'm sensing there's more you're feeling than that.
どうせ全部わかるんなら飾らなくてもまっすぐHappy! Anyway if you get it all, you don't have to decorate nothin and you're Happy!
負けた とか こうあるべきなんだ とか ぱっと見気持ちじゃなさそうなのも "I lost," "It was meant to be this way," is judging to soon maybe possibly.
ぜーんぶお気持ちなのかもしれないねねね It's all in your head, isn't it it it.
やにゅりねみゃ Ya-nya-rinu-mbya
うまく言葉で言えないけどこの気持ち伝えてもいいんですか? It's hard to put into words, but I can convey it through my feelings, perhaps?
(エモいエモいエモいエモいエモいエモいエモいエモいエモすぎるやばい!エモいエモいエモいエモいエモいエモいエモいエモいわああああああ!) It sucks. Sucks. Sucks. Sucks. Sucks. IT SUUUUUUUUUCKS.
この歌もお気持ちなんだよね This song is also a feeling aint it.