dance☆for me!
(For SSO)
此処にないモノ 探しにいこう | Let's look for something that doesn't exist. |
輝けるコト 見つけていこう | Let's find something shiny. |
ジュギョーよりもジューヨーなこと | Something more important than school. |
きっと 今ならみえるかも | I'm sure it's out there right now. |
急に笑いが止まらなくて | Bursting into uncontrollable laughter. |
些細なことに泣いたりして | Crying over the smallest things. |
不意に妄想 限界化 | Sudden delusions. Moving boundaries. |
そんな毎日 過ごしていたい | That's the type of life I wanna live. |
離れて会えなくたって | Even if we're separated from each other, |
つながるよ ハート | we're connected through our hearts. |
身体ぜんぶで伝えよう | I'll transmit it to you with my body. |
みんなで踊って☆モロテ | Everyone, dance☆for me! |
センセも笑って☆モロテ | You too, teach', laugh☆for me! |
とことんアゲていこ テッペン越えて | Let's rise up and up, above the tippy top. |
楽しめる子が優勝して行くよ | All the kids who can have fun will win. |
さ~ 踊って☆モロテ | Now let's dance☆for me! |
青春 謳って☆モロテ | To youth! Let's sing☆for me! |
ココロのリズム 今 合わせよう | Let's join together, now, the rhythm of our hearts. |
この気持ちをみんなに伝えたいから | I wanna spread this feeling to everyone. |
いつもあること 気づかないで | Not noticing something that was always there. |
側にいること 当たり前で | Treating you like you've always been by my side. |
ジチョーよりサイキョーなこと | Something more powerful than mere appearances. |
そんなフツーを取り戻してゆこう | Let's rediscover something ordinary. |
地球の裏側だって | The world is connected |
つながるよ 世界 | underneath the Earth. |
さあ いますぐに動き出そう | So, let's break out right now! |
みんなで踊って☆モロテ | Everyone, dance☆for me! |
きらりと光って☆モロテ | Brightly shine☆for me! |
めそめそ 泣き顔にバッテンつけて | Stick an X on that sobbing face. |
キミの笑顔でイチバンになれるよ | With your smile, you can become number! |
さ~ 踊って☆モロテ | Now, dance☆for me! |
いっぱい叫んで☆モロテ | With all your might, scream☆for me! |
こんなに尊さに溢れてる | I'm filled with this precious feeling. |
この気持ちは絶対に失くさないから | And I won't let it ecape me! |
私ができること 私の出来ないこと | There are things I can do. There are things I can't do. |
伝えたい気持ちが積もっていくよ 今も | I'll pile on the things I want to convey. Even now, |
塞ぎ込んでないで 泣いてばかりいないで | Don't bottle them up. Don't just sit there crying. |
今も届いてるよ 彼方からのキセキ | It reaches all the way here. The miracle from yonder. |
ほら 聴こえる? | See? Can you hear it? |
みんなで踊って☆モロテ | Everyone, dance☆for me! |
センセも笑って☆モロテ | You too, teach', laugh☆for me! |
とことんアゲていこ テッペン越えて | Let's rise up and up, past the tippy top. |
楽しめる子が優勝して行くよ | All the kids who can have fun will win. |
さ~ 踊って☆モロテ | Now let's dance☆for me! |
青春 謳って☆モロテ | To youth! Let's sing☆for me! |
ココロのリズム 今 合わせよう | Let's join together, now, the rhythm of our hearts. |
この気持ちをみんなに伝えたいから | I wanna spread this feeling to everyone. |