Fun Fun Unagi Time

(For SSO)
いぇーい! 最高キュートで小さなシンガー参上です! | Yay! The cutest, smoll singer has arrived! |
わーい! 速攻ビートでテンション上げちゃう ウナギ | Wai! NOW: Let's kick up the beat fast! usagi |
はーい 迷走モードでいいからみんな参戦でーす | Yea! Who cares where we go, everyone join iin. |
さあ 準備はいいか?フィーバー開催です! | Now, is everyone ready? Fever on! |
うなぎウナウナみウナウナ 合わせてウナウナむウナウナ | Unagi una unami una una together una unamu una una |
君もハイんなっちゃって 向かえ全速前進 | You're also HIGH loljk now face forward full speed ahead |
自分らしくでっかく描く夢が見たい! | I wanna see a big dream that resembles me! |
意味わかんなくたって わけわかんなくたって | Who cares about the meaning, who cares about why, |
歌え しっちゃかめっちゃかノリノリうなぎタイム | keep singing. It's a totally screwed up fun fun unagi time. |
雲に隠れた空も 霧に紛れた海も | The sky hidden behind the clouds, the sea obscured by the fog.. |
全部吹き飛ばせ いざ出発! | Blow it all away! Now let's go! |
ねぇいますぐ始めよう 溢れる五線譜の中 | Now let's begin. Within these gushing notes, |
楽しいこと探してるんだ 遊ぼう今日も明日も | we're searching for some fun. Let's play today and tomorrow and onwards! |
どうして元気がでないの? そんなブルーな時もまかせて | Why are you looking down? If you're feeling blue, leave it to me. |
きらめく世界へご招待! だって私は音の街のアイドル | Welcome to the sparkling world! After all, I'm the idol of the music city |
意味わかんなくたって わけわかんなくたって | Who cares about the meaning, who cares about why, |
歌え しっちゃかめっちゃかノリノリうなぎタイム | keep singing. It's a totally screwed up fun fun unagi time. |
君もハイんなっちゃって 向かえ全速前進 | You're also HIGH loljk now face forward full speed ahead |
自分らしくでっかく描く夢が見たい! | I wanna see a big dream that resembles me! |
意味わかんなくたって わけわかんなくたって | Who cares about the meaning, who cares about why, |
歌え しっちゃかめっちゃかノリノリうなぎタイム | keep singing. It's a totally screwed up fun fun unagi time. |
雲に隠れた空も 霧に紛れた海も | The sky hidden behind the clouds, the sea obscured by the fog.. |
全部吹き飛ばせ いざ出発! | Blow it all away! Now let's go! |