
モノクロジック - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

完成系なんて誰も興味無いんだって No one cares about Ms. Pretty Perfect.
勘冴えて 無意識でもOK Senses clear. My unconscious is also A-OK.
雑音ノイズでやられちゃう前にshutdown Before I'm done in by the noise, I shutdown.
正解こたえ知っても意味ないし Even if I knew the correct response, it doesn't matter.
分かってる 「和解」って輪描いて Drawing a circle with a compromise.
理想を誤魔化して 後回しへ Decieving idealism, going round the back.
諦めて 飛び降りて Give up, drop down.
叫びたい気持ちを And everything you want to scream.
全部 全部 全部 全部 Everything, everything, everything, everything.
呑み込んで Swallow it up.
絡まったまんまの嘘 Entwined lies.
時計仕掛けの灰の摩天楼 A clockwork skyscraper of ashes.
既に見えてるチェックメイト The checkmate visible already.
お遊びは飽々さ I'm tired of games.
感情論は終わらせて Stop arguing from emotions.
名前も知らないエトセトラ Et cetera whose name isn't known.
惨状をひっくり返して Overturn the awful scene.
空虚な夜にサヨナラ Say goodbye to the empty skies.
どうでもいいよ クソなジョーク I don't care anymore. These shitty jokes.
溢れそうな口にチャック Zip up my mouth before I yap again.
近づいては離れてく You come closer, then reel away again.
何で なんで ナンデ? Why? Why? Why?
傷ついたフリしたメイク Makeup arranged to look like a wound.
落としら何にも無い There's no punchline to it.
モノクロジック Monochlogic.
反省点なんてすぐ忘れちゃうんだって I'll immediately forget the point of reflection.
半生で もう意識無いKO With half my life, an unconscious KO.
憂鬱でやられちゃう前にget down Before I'm done in by depression, I get down.
此処で逝っても意味ないし It doesn't matter where I go, anyway.
泡沫に消えてく妄想 A delusion that will disappear into a bubble.
襤褸ぼろを隠して何言ってんの What are you saying, trying to hide your faults?
白と黒のクラスメイト Black and white classmates.
〆切は先々にして Put off the deadline far into the future.
折衷案をぶち壊して Break the compromise.
魔法なんてないわ シンデレラ There's no such thing as magic. Cinderella,
しょっちゅう死んで生き返って Repeatedly being reincarnated and stuff.
あたしも未来に連打だっっっ I'll also repeatedly attack the future.
感情論は終わらせて Stop arguing from emotions.
名前も知らないエトセトラ Et cetera whose name isn't known.
惨状をひっくり返して Overturn the awful scene.
空虚な夜にサヨナラ Say goodbye to the empty skies.
どうでもいいよ クソなジョーク I don't care anymore. These shitty jokes.
溢れそうな口にチャック Zip up my mouth before I yap again.
近づいては離れてく You come closer, then reel away again.
何で なんで ナンデ? Why? Why? Why?
傷ついたフリしたメイク Makeup arranged to look like a wound.
落としら何にも無い There's no punchline to it.
モノクロジック Monochlogic.