Kotonoha Quest

(For SSO)
君の世界 | I will walk with you |
僕もともに歩くよ | in your world, |
ドキドキのストーリー描いて | Drawing an exciting story. |
僕の声が | So that my voice |
君に届くように | will reach you |
旅立つの一歩踏み出す | I'll take the first step of this journey |
伝説の装備求めて | Equipping the legendary armor, |
忘れられた大地へ | Off to the forgotten land. |
君と一緒なら | If I'm with you, |
どこまでも | We can go |
行こう | anywhere! |
君の右手 僕の左手 つないで | Your right hand and my left hand joined together |
歩く 跳ねる 走る 止まる 駆け抜ける! | Walking, jumping, running, stopping, going ahead! |
悲しい悔しい寂しい夜もあるけど | There are sometimes sad, frustrating, lonely nights |
君とならば乗りきれるさ | But if I'm with you we can overcome them |
次の冒険へ! | To the next adventure! |
僕の声と 君の言葉を 合わせて | My voice and your words joined together, |
喋る 話す 歌う 呼ぶ 語り合う | Chatting, talking, singing, calling, discussing together |
楽しい嬉しい優しいこの物語 | This fun, happy, wonderful story, |
いつまでも続くんだ | will continue on forever |
君と一緒に続くんだ | I'll continue to spend with you |
君の未来 | I'll walk with you |
僕もともに進むよ | towards your future, |
とびきりの勇気振り絞って | bringing out my best. |
僕の鼓動 | Is my heartbeat |
君に届いてるかな? | reaching you? |
ワクワクのビート刻むよ! | Let's beat on this exciting rhythm! |
火を吐くドラゴン やっつけて | We pwn the firebreathing dragon! |
お姫様のもとへ | And make it to the princess. |
君と一緒なら | If I'm with you, |
いすだって | then we're always.. |
むてき!! | unstoppable!! |
君の右手 僕の左手を引いて | Your right hand pulls my left hand. |
進む 戻る 迷う 逃げる 立ち向かう! | Progressing, returning, getting lost, running away, standing resolute! |
迷い深い暗い闇の中でも | In this confusing, deep, dark night |
君と光探しに行こう | I'll look for a light with you |
そばにいるから | Because you're by my side |
僕の歌を 君の手拍子に のせて | On my song on your beat let's ride on |
はしゃぐ 怒る 嘆く 笑う 分かち合う | Frolicking, getting angry, complaining, laughing, sharing |
たとえ僕ら行く先が分かれても | Even if we get physically separated |
心は一緒だから | Our hearts will always be one |
~ピコピコ間奏タイム~ | ~Beep boop interlude~ |
君と紡ぐ冒険を | This adventure that we're yarning together, |
出会い別れる仲間を | and all the friends we've met and said goodbye to along the way, |
奏でるこの音楽にのせて | Let's put it all into this song. |
このデジタル化された感情だって | Even with these digitized feelings |
愛と希望と夢を抱いて | I've got love and hope and dreams that I cherish |
君に届けて叫んでる! | and I'll make it to you and yell it all out to you ! |
僕の右手 君の左手 求めて | My right hand your left hand it wants yours |
廻り廻る巡り巡る めぐり合う | Spinning and whirling and twisting and turning to run into you |
悲しい悔しい寂しい夜を越えたら | When I conquer this sad, frustrating, lonely night |
君に会いに行こう! | I'll come straight to you! |
君の右手 僕の左手 つないで | Your right hand and my left hand joined together |
歩く 跳ねる 走る 止まる 駆け抜ける | Walking, jumping, running, stopping, going ahead! |
赤い 青い 広い空を見上げて | Red and blue , this wide sky we look up at |
君とふたりどこまで行こう? | Together with you, how far will we go? |
空の果てまで! | To the end of the sky! |
僕の声と 君の言葉を 合わせて | My voice and your words joined together, |
喋る 話す 歌う 叫ぶ 響き合う | Chatting, talking, singing, screaming, echoing each other, |
楽しい嬉しい優しいこの物語 | This fun, happy, wonderful story |
いつまでも | forever |
君となら | if I'm with you |
どこまでも続くんだ | will continue on. |