Sparkling ☆ Magical Girl

きらきら☆魔法少女- YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

ドキドキ あこがれの This excited and beloved,
つよくてかわいいガール strong and cute girl,
リアルに立ち向かう is about to go head-to-head with reality.
きらきら☆魔法少女 She's a sparkling ☆ magical girl.
まくらもとでひびく通知 An alert rings at her bedside.
今日もおまじない唱えた女の子 Another day, another girl out there casting a call for her help.
たすけに かけてゆく It's time to go and save her.
こんぺい糖をロード Now I load the sugar star candy
これは本音を話しちゃう銃[ステッキ] into my truth gun: Beautiful™.
なぞるトリガー Finger on the trigger...
今だ うちぬけ…! Now! Shoot!
きらり ワンショット外さない I won't miss this sparkling shot.
キミの♡[はーと]の苦味[まよい]は The bitter taste of worry in your heart,
砂糖がとけだして will be dissolved by sugar,
あまいセカイ and make a sweet world for you.
きらり ワンショットこわくない Don't be scared of this sparkling shot.
ちゃんと言いたいこと言えたら If you open up about your feelings,
必ず守りにゆくから I will come to save you.
ずっと ビクビク おびえてる Here's a girl that's been so nervous and scared for so long,
気持ちしまいこむガール and who keeps hiding her feelings.
いやなこと がまんはやめて Stop putting up with things that bother you,
ぜんぶはきだしてよ and open up about it!
♂[そいつ]がヒーローって? かんちがい You think that guy's your hero? You're wrong.
見失わないで いつだって You've always had a jewel within you.
自分の中にある ほうせきを Don't lose sight of that,
こわさないで don't break it.
こんぺいとうをロード Now I load the sugar star candy.
そこはにげちゃメでしょ? If you escape now, that ain't good y'know?
なぞるトリガー Finger on the trigger..
待ってまだステイ…! Wait! Stay here!
きらり ワンショットもういらない…? Do I even need this sparkling shot anymore?
キミの♡[はーと]の苦味[まよい]は The bitter taste of your heart,
砂糖がなくても perhaps even without sugar,
あまくできるみたい can be turned sweet.
きらり ワンショットこわくない Don't be scared of this sparkling shot.
ちゃんと言いたいこと言えたら If you open up about your feelings,
必ず守りにゆくから I will come to save you.
「シュップパシュクシュガー」 Shwoop! Woop! Sugar!
ドキドキ あこがれの This excited and beloved,
つよくてかわいいガール strong and cute girl,
リアルに立ち向かう is about to go head-to-head with reality.
きらきら☆魔法少女 She's a sparkling ☆ magical girl.