Venus Prisoner

(For SSA)
惰眠を貪るような | You spend depressing nights |
憂鬱な夜はいつも | addicted to inactivity, |
残酷で無機質な脳裏で | using your cold brainmatter, |
傷付かないふりするの | to pretend you haven't been hurt. |
あなたの愛をいっそ全部吐き出して | So hurry and unload your love for me, |
目眩がするような | before you get used to |
眠れない夜に慣れてしまう前に | these sleepless, dizzying nights |
解けないままの痛みが | This incurable pain, |
どうにもならないのです | I just can't deal with it. |
消えないで行かないで | Don't disappear. Don't go. |
ちゃんと目を見て愛して | Look at me in the eyes and love me. |
上澄の感情だけで私を掬わないで | Don't scoop me up just on the surface layer, |
ねえもっと側にいて悲しませないで | Hey, stay by my side don't make me sad. |
だってどうしようもなく寂しい夜に君が似合いなの! | Because useless, sad nights aren't a good fit for you! |
泣いて泣いて瞬きの度に | Crying, crying, in this instant, |
移り変わる愛憎 | Shifting between love and hate. |
いつだってあなたはそんな目で | Why do you always, |
私を見て往なして | avoid me on sight? |
ただ幸せの中でもっと素直に | All I want is to be happy, and |
笑っていたいだけなのに | be able to laugh sincerely |
いつになっても苦しいの | And yet here we are, hurting. |
感情が麻痺するような毎日を私に頂戴 | Welcome to an everyday life of numb emotion. |
虎視眈々睨んで | Glaring with an eagle eye. |
どれも最低! | Everything sucks ass! |
もういいかな、切り捨て | Maybe I've had enough, so cut me off. |
抱いたって吐いたって満たされない真夜中で | Whether I spend the night embracing you or puking, I wouldn't be satisifed. |
気絶するような愛を今すぐ私に頂戴して | So give me a love so strong it'll make me faint. |
痣だらけの脳内、矯正 | Scolding my bruised up brain, |
しようとする雑音は止めて | the static in my head stops. |
消えないで行かないで | Don't disappear. Don't go. |
ちゃんと目を見て愛して | Look at me in the eyes and love me. |
上澄の感情だけで私を掬わないで | Don't scoop me up just on the surface layer, |
ねえもっと側にいて悲しませないで | Hey, stay by my side don't make me sad. |
だってどうしようもなく寂しい夜に君が似合いなの! | Because useless, sad nights aren't a good fit for you! |
わからないふりすること | Acting like you don't know what's up. |
今が一番気持ちいい頃合いでしょ | Right now is the best timing, aint it? |
金星みたいな目で僕を | With your Venus-like eyes, |
とらえて壊すこと容易い君と | capturing me and breaking me would be easy for you. |
温め合える季節 | That time of year to cuddle up for warmth, |
過ぎてしまった悲しみに | has passed by leaving a sadness, |
触れたらもう止まらないや | that once felt, is unbearable. |
この声と声の余白 | So with the sound of your voice and the silence between, |
赤く染めて忘れさせて | Dye me red and make me forget. |
どうしようもなく寂しい夜に君が似合いなの! | Because useless sad nights aren't a good fit for you! |