Dive into your blue

キミの青にダイブ - YT|nicodouga

(For SSD)

空を今日も泳いでいたら As I swam through the blue sky,
綺麗な歌声が聴こえてきた I heard a beautiful voice singing.
青い髪をなびかせていた My eyes were stolen by a beautiful songstress
可憐な歌姫に目を奪われて眺めていた and her fluttering blue hair
歌い上げるそのメロディーには The melody she was singing
心踊る不思議な力 had a strange power that made my heart jump
込められた思いが and the feeling behind it
ボクを踊らす made me dance
青い歌姫 青いオタマン The blue songstress. The blue Otaman (Una's hat).
二人はいつも歌っては踊ってた They always sang and danced.
歌い上げてる そのメロディーを To leave behind that melody,
残すためなら 譜面の上踊るよ you have to dance within the sheet music.
だからもう少し抑えていてよ So please restrain yourself a bit,
風に飛ばされてしまうから or else I'll be blown away by the wind
たまに見せるスパイシーなキミ Sometimes you act a little spicy,
小突かれてタンコブができたみたいだ and poke me in the head, leaving a bump.
『ごめん』と戻るシュガーのキミに "Sorry" you say, and return to the sugary you.
ボクはホッとため息を吐いて振り向くと And as soon as I breathe a sigh of relief and look back,
スパイシーなキミが you're back to acting spicy
いつも甘いそんなキミより But I'd prefer it than you being sweet all the time,
たまに覗く意地悪なキミ because that occasional bully in you
二人で一人だから楽しくなるよ is what makes being with you so fun
描く七色 綺麗に並べて Painting the colors of the rainbow
奏でるメロディー ふわふわ踊ってた the fluffy melody danced
かける魔法に ハジけるミラクル Into the spells cast, shoot a miracle
踊りだす世界 青色に染めてよ Paint the prancing world blue
輝いてるキミを上で見守るよ From above, I'm watching you shine
今日もキミが一番だよね And today, as always, you're number one
描く七色 綺麗に並べて Painting the colors of the rainbow
奏でるメロディー ふわふわ踊ってた the fluffy melody danced
かける魔法に ハジけるミラクル Into the cast spells, shoot a miracle
踊りだす世界 青色に染めてよ Paint the prancing world blue
輝いてるキミを上で見守るよ From above, I'm watching you shine
音の街に住んでる Living in the world of sound
ウナとボクの物語だよ The story of Una and me