Cute is Justice
kawaiiwashouginoshouko - YT|nicodouga
(For SSO)
ねえ そばに居て欲しいのに | Hey... Even though I want to be next to you, |
君はしらん振り | you pretend like you don't notice |
ねえ わたしが無視すると | Hey... and yet when I ignore you, |
膝の上にのってくる | that's when you come on my lap. |
ねえ のどを鳴らし | Hey... when you purr, |
頬を擦り付ける仕草に | and puff out your cheeks, |
わたしのリミッター外れます! | you make me reach my limit! |
名前は内緒です | My name is a secret. |
ツンデレは愛情の証拠なのですよ | Acting tsundere is proof of love, you know? |
はやく肉球さわらせて | Hurry up and let me touch your paws. |
恋しくて愛しくて切なく | Lovingly, and longingly, and heartbreakingly, |
胸が張りさけそうなの | it feels like my heart's gonna burst and tear apart, you know? |
君のこと好きになってしまう | I'm gonna fall in love with you. |
ねえ 目を見つめただけで | Hey... You can steal my heart, |
こころは奪われちゃう | just by staring into my eyes. |
ねえ うしろ姿も ほら | Hey, even looking at your back, look: |
哀愁 かもしだしてる | I feel the grief pouring out. |
ねえ 聞いてるの? | Hey... Are you listening? |
ほら しっぽで挨拶するの | Look: You're saying hi with your tail. |
わたしのストッパー外します! | And now you've popped my bottle! |
初恋秘密です | One's first love is a secret. |
あざといは愛好のしるしなのですよ | Slyness is proof of love, you know? |
今もめちゃくちゃキスさせて | Let me messily kiss you all over, please. |
喜んで駆けまわってすぐに | You get all excited and run all around, |
眠たくなってしまうの | and then immediately get sleepy. |
君のこと抱きしめたくなるの | I want to just hug you. |
名前は内緒です | My name is a secret. |
カワイイは正義の証拠なのですよ | Being cute is proof of all that is good, you know? |
はやく肉球さわらせて | Hurry up and let me touch your paws. |
恋しくて愛しくて切なく | Lovingly, and longingly, and heartbreakingly, |
胸が張りさけそうなの | it feels like my heart's gonna burst and tear apart, you know? |
君のこと好きになってしまう | I'm gonna fall in love with you. |
そうなの これから | That's right. And now, |
わたし(たち)のこと よろしくね | I'd like to introduce you to me (she says "us") |
よろしくね! | Hello! |