
「じゃむ。」 - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

甘噛しないで 面倒くさいや Don't tease me with bites. It's such a drag.
好きって 直球 投げてよ Give it to me straight: "I like you."
アンズ ブラックベリー マーマレード And blackberry. Marmalade.
舐めあって 呆れた Teasing each other with licks, I'm tired of it.
どんだけ煮詰めてもダメ 満たされないハラ No matter how much you concentrate the flavor, my tummy wants more.
指先にこびりつく ベトベトのアレ Stuck to my fingers, the sticky thingy.
欲望はエンドレス 最の果て My hunger is endless. Till the ends of the Earth.
こんなもんじゃ終われないの It'll just keep going on...
まだ知らない場所へいこう Let's go again, to an unknown location.
その答えは誰だってわかっている And everyone already knows how to respond to that.
クレイジー ナンセンス ミュージック Crazy nonsense music.
さあ Jam Jam Jam キスして Now, jam jam jam, kiss me.
もう一度 Love me do お願い One more time. Love me do, please.
ほら Fes Fes Fes 乱痴気 朝まで Come on. Fes fes festival, make a racket till the morning.
Don't let me down 歌おうよ Don't let me down. Let's sing.
ガラス瓶の乱反射 摩訶不思議 サイケデリック The vague reflection in the glass bottle. The deep mystery. Psychedlic.
このまま 溶けるまで君とじゃむらせて Now, until we melt, let me jam with you.
ちゃんと ボケても拾ってな フリっぱなしは嫌やよ Pay attention. Even if you're drowsy, pick it up. I don't want to hear any excuses.
かりん ドラゴンフルーツ なんてね 変わり種だって悪くない Chinese quince, dragonfruit, and other exotic ingredients sound good to me.
頭こんがらがってダメ 栄養不足かね Don't let your head get messy.. Are you malnourished?
起立!礼!ルーティン守って Put your hands up! Stand! Bow! Maintain your routine: Put your hands up!
ぐだぐだエンドレス 最の低 A worn out endlessness. The very bottom of it all.
こんなもんじゃ終われないの It's not gonna end here.
いまあなたに告白しよう Now, let me confess to you.
その返事は 口に出さないで 顔に出さないで And your respond: Don't tell me with your face, nor with your mouth.
クレイジー ナンセンス ミュージック Crazy nonsense music.
混ざり合って まぐわって 一つになれるさ Let mix together. Let's stare into each other. We can become one.
さんざめく光と ほら話をもっていこう The boisterous light. Come on, let's continue this story.
さあ Jam Jam Jam キスして Now, jam jam jam, kiss me.
もう一度 Love me do お願い One more time. Love me do, please.
ほら Fes Fes Fes 乱痴気 朝まで Come on. Fes fes festival, make a racket till the morning.
Don't let me down 歌おうよ Don't let me down. Let's sing.
ガラス瓶の乱反射 摩訶不思議 サイケデリック The vague reflection in the glass bottle. The deep mystery. Psychedlic.
このまま 溶けるまで君とじゃむらせて Now, until we melt, let me jam with you.
夢から覚めるまで 君とじゃむらせて Till I wake up from this dream, let me jam with you.