
糸操り人形 - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

薄暗い部屋私独りで In this dim room, alone,
手の平の内 転がす手毬 The temari falls from my hands.
庭の真ん中見える桜は The cherry blossom in the garden,
もっと綺麗に見えてたな looks even prettier than before.
幼き日々の記憶をたどり I follow the thread of those childhood memories,
紡いだあなたの声、形 trying to put back together your voice, your body, from back then.
今はもう知らない But now I have no idea,
あなたは誰だったかな who you were.
回れ廻れよ Turn, spin about,
この部屋の内で within this room,
彷徨う私は束ねられ aimlessly wandering in here, I'm trapped inside.
ただの人形となった私は Now, just a puppet,
虚しい夢を願うだろう wishing for a futile dream.
どうか Somehow,
どうか somehow,
この糸が let this thread,
あなたへと続きますように keep finding its way back to you.
窓の隙間から差し込む日差し From the window, the sunlight seeps in.
今日はいつもより暖かいな It's warm day today, isn't it.
目を覚ましてと私の中の And when I open my eyes,
声がやけにうるさいんだ the voice inside me will not shut up.
幼き日々の記憶をたどり I follow the thread of those childhood memories,
また蘇ってと願うたび Wishing for its revival repeatedly,
きっともう消えない Now surely it can't disappear.
あなたは誰だったかな Now, who were you?
踊れ躍れよ Dance, and jump,
この部屋の内で within this room,
目覚めてしまった過ちを Having made the mistake of waking up,
ただの人形となった私は I am now just a puppet,
叶わない夢と飾るんだ adorning that mistake with a hopeless dream.
どうか Somehow,
どうか Somehow,
この糸を I want this thread,
あなたが手に取りますように to be held by your hands.
拙い記憶で紡いだ糸は The thread that spun these worthless memories,
いとも簡単に切れてしまうだろう can be snipped off so easily.
そんなよわくて悲しい糸でも Yet even though it's such a sad, weak thread,
私は放すことが出来ないの I can't let go of it.
放されることが出来ないの And it can't let go of me.
踊れ躍れよ Dance, and jump,
この部屋の内で within this room,
彷徨う私は束ねられ aimlessly wandering in here, I'm trapped inside.
ただの人形となった私は Now, just a puppet,
虚しい夢願わないで I don't want to wish for these futile dreams.
どうか So somehow,
どうか somehow,
この糸を let this thread,
あなたが手に取る前に --before it gets to your hand--
消えて、落ちて let it disappear, let it fall,
なくなって let it die.
途切れてしまいますように Let it be cut off.