
(For SSA)
(This song is about gender dysphoria)
「私」をそっと連れ出して | Ever since I softly brought that girl in me outside, |
「あの子」はずっと泣いていた | she has been endlessly crying. |
今さらやっと気づいた | And now, finally, when it's too late, I notice |
これが最後なこと | that this is where it ends. |
休み明けの教室は | First day after summer break, |
普通の愛が流れてた | I saw the classroom overflowing with ordinary [hetero] love, |
壊れていた感情は | while my sense of self started breaking apart, |
治せないとわかっていたの | and I knew from that moment I was doomed. |
「おかしいな おかしいな」って | "This is so strange, this is so strange.." |
子供の頃からそうだった | Ever since I was a kid I felt that way. |
「おかしいよ おかしいよ」って | "You are so strange, so so strange.." |
死にたくなる言葉 | It makes me want to die. |
「私」をそっと連れ出して | Ever since I softly brought that girl in me outside, |
「あの子」はずっと泣いていた | she has been endlessly crying. |
今さらやっと気づいた | And now, finally, when it's too late, I notice |
これが最後なこと | that this is where it ends. |
バス停は赤く染まり | The bus stop was drenched in the red of the sunset, |
野良猫ニャーと鳴いていた | while a stray cat nearby cried, |
君の手が優しく心つつんだ | and your hand gently warmed my heart. |
あの時抱いた違和感は | As soon as I noticed what was inside of me, |
気づいた頃には凶器になった | it transformed itself into something dangerous. |
あーあれだよなんだっけ | Yeah, you know, what was it it again? |
虎とか馬とかそう言うやつさ | Call it a Trakehner or a Puma, or whatever the hell. |
全然私はヘテロですです | Yes yes I'm totally "hetero." |
そう偽っていくつになった? | How many years have I been telling that lie? |
はいはい 配慮はサンキューですです | No no I don't need your help thank you. |
教科書通りの対応です | A textbook response. |
どーすりゃいいの | What the hell should I do. |
騒いでりゃいいの? | Should I raise hell? |
今すぐヘテロは追い出して | I'll force all this "hetero" away. |
浴衣はずっと好きでした | You know I've always liked yukatas. |
あなたはもっと好きでした | And what I liked even more was you. |
死ぬまでずっとこういう気持ちでいるのかな | Am I going to feel like this until the day I die? |
終わりはうんと好きにしよう | I'll welcome the end, in that case. |
花火のように派手に散ろう | I'll burst apart like fireworks. |
助けての | Help me. |
叫びを | And I held back |
拒んだ | the screaming. |
「私」をそっと連れ出して | Ever since I softly brought that girl in me outside, |
「あの子」はずっと泣いていた | she has been endlessly crying. |
今さらやっと気づいた | And now, finally, when it's too late, I notice |
これが最期なこと | that this is where I end. |
地下鉄は赤く染まり | So then the subway was drenched with red, |
乗客キャーと鳴いていた | while the passengers screamed in horror, |
君の手が優しく心潰して | and your hand gently crushed my heart, |
「僕」の体は線路に消え去った | and "my [boku]" body faded away on the train tracks. |