Greatful Fuck'n Days

Greatful Fuck'n Days - YT|ND

(For SSA)

Monday, 気怠げな体に鞭を打って此処から消えよう Monday: I'll whip my exhausted body and force mysef out of here.
Tuesday, 自堕落な日々を恨むことは無意味と知ったのさ Tuesday: It's pointless to lament this everyday life of self-sabatoge.
Wednesday, 思考は止まってる 機械的な受け答えをした Wednesday: My brain can't function.And I'm responding to everyone like a robot.
Thursday, ヒステリック気味の教師はもう覚えていない Thursday: I don't even remember all the things my hysterical teacher said anymore
Friday, 漫画の読みすぎで現実に嫌気が差してきた Friday: I read too much manga and now I'm turned off my real life.
Saturday, 鬱病気取ってるメンヘラに銃を突きつける Saturday: I thrust a gun at this pseudo-depressive maniac.
撃鉄起こす Cock a gun,
引き金を引く pull the trigger,
血まみれになる and I'll become a bloody mess.
もっと もっと 愛が欲しい More, more, I want more love.
信じることが怖いから It's difficult to believe in anything,
これでいいと思えた so I gave up and said everything is fine.
吸って吐いてまた吐いて Smoke a cig, puke, and puke even more.
ああ、また失敗 Aah, it's failure again.
最低な日々繰り返して Repeating these awful days over and over,
これでいいと思えたよ I gave up and said everything is alright.
泣いて切ってまた泣いて Crying until I can't anymore, and then crying some more.
涙は溢れる The tears won't stop.
Sunday, まだまだ終わらない日常は唾棄すべき妄想 Sunday: these endless days are a despicable delusion.
Holiday, 震えが止まらない 錠剤を飲み干してサヨナラ Holiday: the jitters won't stop. I down some pills and say goodbye.
Birthday, 新しい自分が鏡を見てケラケラ笑えば Birthday: Looking at a new me in the mirror and cackling at her.
Today, 全てが嘘になる素晴らしき最低な日々だぜ Today: Everything a lie, and it's a wonderfully terrible life.
どうでもよくて 中指立てる 僕の仕草で My habit of throwing up middle fingers and saying fuck it all,
もっと もっと 惨めになる puts me deeper and deeper in misery.
悲しむ振り飽きたから So I gave up and said everything is alright.
これでいいと思えたよ I became tired of pretending to be depressed.
吸って吐いてまた吐いて Smoke a cig, puke, and puke even more.
ああ、また失敗 Aah, it's failure again.
素晴らしき日々繰り返して Repeating these wonderful days over and over
これでいいと思えたよ I gave up and said everything is alright.
泣いて切ってまた泣いて Crying until I can't anymore, and then crying some more.
涙で見えない I can't see anything with all these tears.
包帯巻いて Wrapping a bandage,
手首隠して around my wrist to hide it.
計画通り All according to plan.
あとはしぬだけ Now all I have to do is die.
撃鉄起こす Cock a gun,
引き金を引く pull the trigger,
血まみれになる and I'll become a bloody mess.
もっと もっと 愛が欲しい! More, more, I want more love.
信じることが怖いから It's difficult to believe in anything,
これでいいと思えた so I gave up and said everything is fine.
吸って吐いてまた吐いて Smoke a cig, puke, and puke even more.
ああ、また失敗 Aah, it's failure again.
最低な日々繰り返して Repeating these awful days over and over,
これでいいと思えたよ I gave up and said everything is alright.
泣いて切ってまた泣いて Crying until I can't anymore, and then crying some more.
涙が枯れてく My tears have dried up.