Gimme Scramble - Aoi Kotonoha

ギミー・スクランブル - YT|ND

(For SSA)

寝ぼけた頭で 思い出すのは Waking up with a sleepyhead, the first thing I think of
凛とした横顔 is a sideglance of your cool face
ふわふわと 心が浮く And my heart fluffs up immediately.
きっと きっと For sure, for sure,
恋したんだ I've fallen in love.
I want you なんてどうせ 言えないけど I can't really say, "I want you" yet.
振り向かせたくて But I want to at least make you turn around
流行りのコーデチェック七変化です and check me out in a bunch of different fashionable outfits.
お好みの私はどれ? Which one do you think fits me the best?
「あれ、どうしたの?」なんてね "Hm, what's wrong?"
声をかけて欲しくて I want you to say.
鏡の前でこう言うの And in front of the mirror I stand and say,
今日の私は 史上一 可愛いのです "Today I am the cutest in history!"
ロマンティックな トークが 上手くできたら If I could just get better at romantic talk,
もっと 近い距離で 笑えたら If I could get a little closer and laugh with you...
でもどうしよう 目も合わせられないなんて But what am I to do? I can't bring my eyes to meet yours.
こんな事で 諦めてあげないわ Well, I can't give up just cause of that!
キス三ーなんてね なら If I want to tell you, "Kiss me"
繰り返しの日々 思い出すのは Over the days, I think about
穏やかに笑う顔 your calm smile,
ドキドキと 胸高鳴る and my heart starts to thump thump,
やっぱ やっぱ Of course, of course,
恋したんだ I fell in love.
I need you ってあなたに 言われたいから I want you to tell me "I need you,"
トライ&エラーで so with trial and error,
イブクロ掴んで 振り向かせて I'll try and seduce you with food,
そんで そんで and maybe then, maybe then...
好きな食べ物とか -Well I don't actually know
知らないままだけど how to make your favorite food
精一杯 作ってみました but I tried my best,
食べさせ合ったりなんかしちゃって so we can feed each other bites!
妄想だけが 暴走 胸がいっぱい All these fantasies, well up, filling my heart.
ねぇどうして キズを 隠して渡す Oh why am I hiding my wounds while giving this gift to you?
手の震えが こんなにも 大きいの? Why are my hands trembling so much?
おかしいな こんなハズじゃないのに So strange, I didn't expect this at all
もっと もっと 近くでお世話させて Please, please, let me help you more.
やっばい!! Oh no!!
前髪切りすぎた!お姉ちゃん助けて!! I cut my bangs to high! Save me sis!!
んぁ? 大丈夫や Hm? It's alright yo
ゆかりさんやったら「可愛いおでこですね」 Yknow her, she'd be all like "You have a cute forehead."
とか言うて気にせんやろ!笑 yea dont pay it no shot! LOL
おでこにちゅ~とかされるかもな!笑 Maybe she'll even give it a kiss! LOL
おでっ!? My forehe-!?
ふふっ…ふひょっ… hu hu... Hyuugh...
!#$%&@~~~~~!!! !#$%&@~~~~~!!!
「恋いに恋なんてしない」って 歌ってみても No matter how much I sing, "I won't fall in love with love,"
止めらんないくらいにちゃんと The unstoppable strength
「好き」なんだって to say "I like you,"
目を見て伝えたら with my eyes meeting yours,
くらいの強い is what I want.
自信をください Please give me that confidence,
ねぇ神様 won't you, God?
ねぇどうして ダメな所もあるのに Hey, why is it that even though I can see your flaws,
こんなにも胸が焦がれるのでしょう? my heart pines for you so?
他の人を見て欲しくてないくらい To the point that I don't want you to even look at anyone else,
全部全部 everything, everything,
まとめて好き! I love everything about you!
ロマンティックな トークが 上手くできたら If I could just get better at romantic talk,
もっと 近い距離で 笑えたら If I could get a little closer and laugh with you...
でもどうしよう 目も合わせられないなんて But what am I to do? I can't bring my eyes to meet yours.
こんな事で 諦めてあげないわ Well, I can't give up just cause of that!
キス三ーなんてね なら If I want to tell you, "Kiss me"