Fade Out

Fade Out - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

狭苦しい部屋で見てる A view from a claustrophobic little room.
歪で華やかなストーリー An elegantly twisted story.
今までの浮かない記憶だって Suddenly even all the things I couldn't remember,
わかってるはずなの are coming back to me.
目まぐるしく浮かぶ消える It blinks in and out of my mind, so confusingly.
歪で華やかなストーリー That elegantly twisted story.
いつまでも付かない既読だって Even all those things I've read but never understood,
わかってるはずなの suddenly start to make sense.
突き刺さる It pierces me:
乾いた風の音と錆びた鉄の匂いが The sound of dry wind and the smell of rusted steel,
蝕んでいく It eats me alive.
共鳴するノイズが全てを奪う The resonating noise steals everything away.
嗚呼 Aah.
思いも色褪せちゃって Even the color of my thoughts fade away.
過ぎていく時間と 混ざらない日常 いつまでも変わらない The passing time. This unfitting daily life. It never changes.
剥がれ落ちていく Being ripped off into the depths.
純白の毛並み撫でる I stroke this lice-ridden white hair.
まぶしくて瞳閉じる So bright, I close my eyes.
いつかまた変わる日が来るって Hoping only that,
願ってるだけなの one day something will change.
突き離す It peels away.
奏でるメロディ よれたピッチのギターが The melody playing, the twisted pitch of the guitar,
蝕んでいく eats me alive.
包まれてく wraps me whole.
透明な思い出は全てを奪う The crystal clear memories steal everything away.
嗚呼 Aah.
終わってるのに焦っちゃって It's already over, but I'm still nervous.
過ぎていく時間と くだらない日常 いつまでも変わらない The passing time. This boring life. It never changes.
立ちつくしていた And so I stood still.
共鳴するノイズが全てを奪う The resonating noise steals everything away.
嗚呼 Aah.
想いも色褪せちゃって Even the color of my thoughts fade away.
過ぎていく時間と 混ざらない日常 いつまでも変わらない The passing time. This unfitting daily life. It never changes.
剥がれ落ちていく Being ripped off into the depths.
儚い想いよ Fleeting thoughts.