
(For SSO)
ドアを閉めた瞬間に | All those erupting memories, |
溢れてはじけた思い出 | from the moment that the door closed, |
忘れてしまえたらどれほど楽だろう | how nice it would be if I could forget them. |
今日と今日までの日々を | If I said of those days we shared, |
「理由なんて無いわ」って言った方が | "It was meaningless," |
あなたは楽だったでしょう | it would've probably been better for you |
最低だって思って貰って | I wanted you to look at me as scum, |
もう終わりにしたかった嘘 | I wanted to just be done with all the lies. |
私を包む街明かり | The city lights that envelop me, |
幸せそうなふたり | the happy looking couple, |
馬鹿ばかり | how stupid they were. |
蘇る記憶は涙混じり | Those memories can only resurface with my tears. |
私だったものは誰かに踏まれてすぐに見失われるように | As if the old me were trampled all over with no trace, |
あなたの知らない私をつくったの | you recreated me into someone alien to you. |
忘れてよ私の事は | So just forget me now, |
あなたならすぐいい人見つかるから | If it's you, you can surely find a better person out there. |
愛してるよ | I love you, |
ずっとずっと | forever and ever |
本当は忘れないでほしいの | In truth I don't want you to forget me. |
部屋にわざと残した香りをどうかかきけさないで | Please don't purposefully snuff out my lingering scent from your room. |
昨日までの日常が | Our life until yesterday, |
首につけたあのアザが | and the scar you left on my neck, |
あなたを苦しめますように | I want to make you suffer for it, |
苦しんでくれますように | I want you to suffer for me. |
優しげなあの瞳も | Your gentle eyes, |
温かかったあの手も | and your warm hand, |
安心できるあの声も | and your comforting voice, |
ぜんぶ大好きでした | I loved it all. |
ひとりよがりわかってるんだ | Yes I understand I'm being narcissistic, |
でも追いかけて欲しかった | but I wanted you to chase after me. |
街明かりに包まれてあなたの影は消えた | And yet you disappeared in the city lights. |
つかなきゃ良かったあんな嘘 | I understand that it's too late, |
後悔しても遅いわかってるよ | to regret all those lies I told. |
でも本当の事を伝えたら | But if I told you the truth instead, |
あなたも不幸になってしまうから | it would have made you as unhappy as me. |
解けた魔法 | The broken spell, |
剥がれる枯れた | and the ripped, decayed |
桔梗の世迷言 | nonsensical platitudes about Balloon flowers (eternal love). |
影は消え | My figure disappears, |
あなたのもとへ | while I still cling onto my dreams, |
なんて夢いだきながら | to be at your feet. |
愛してるよ | I love you, |
ずっとずっと | forever and ever |
でももう忘れてほしいの | But I want you to forget me already. |
部屋にわざと残した香りは | So please overwrite the scent I purposefully left in your room, |
煙草で上書きして | with the smoke of your cigarettes. |
昨日までの日常を | Our life until yesterday, |
首につけたあのアザを | and the scar you left on my neck, |
はやく忘れてくれますように | I want you to forget them. |
忘れてくれますように | I want you to forget them for me. |
優しげなあの瞳も | Your gentle eyes, |
温かかったあの手も | and your warm hand, |
安心できるあの声も | and your comforting voice, |
ぜんぶ大好きでした | I loved it all. |
ひとりよがりわかってるんだ | Yes I understand I'm being narcissistic, |
でも追いかけて欲しかった | but I wanted you to chase after me. |
街明かりに包まれて私の影は消えた | And yet I disappeared in the city lights. |