(For SSO)
クオーツは止まってしまったのに | Despite how the clock has stopped, |
醒めればさっきの5時間後 | I know 5 hours have past since I've woken up. |
赤の他人ひしめく青い電車 | This blue train packed with strangers. |
白々と文句を吐く看板 | The signs and their puking whines. |
「必ず泣けます」「大人のマナー」 | "It's Okay To Cry" "How to Adult" |
「今日からはじめる英会話」 | "Conversing in English, Today and Onwards!" |
騙されたと思って、の類か | I think I'm being scammed, or something like that. |
ノイズキャンセリングをオンにして瞑想 | So I put on noise-cancelling headphones and meditate. |
未公開の音源は聴く程に | The more I fill my ears with this unreleased music, |
どっかの誰かのレプリカで | The more, somewhere outside, some copycat |
ノイズキャンセリングじゃ消せない疑念 | seeps in something that can't be droned out. |
「懸念あり」で濁す胸中 | My mind sullied: "Something's wrong," |
背広の初老は短足伸ばして | An old man in a suit stretching his short legs, |
『今日からはじめる英会話』 | Reading "Conversing in English, Today and Onwards!" |
思わず泣けます、大人のマナー | And I begin to cry. Adulting. |
鈍色の皮肉 | Dark gray bitterness. |
机上のロックアンドロールごっこに囚われて | Clinging to this abstract rock n roll act, |
空虚切って貼って最初から巻き戻して | I rewind and replay to fill in the silence. |
今だってロックアンドロールごっこに囚われて | Even now I'm clinging to this rock n roll act. |
探るユーリカ | Searching for that Eureka. |
以下、雑感 | Stream of consciousness, below: |
1.妄執か怠惰か或いは浅学非才ゆえの踏襲か | 1. Is my zealotry, sloth, anxiety, the result of my unlearnedness? |
延々と同音類義の風景 | On and on with homo/synonym rife compositions. |
2.散々経由した恣意語録に | 2. Scatteringly deployed arbitrary phrases, |
過剰な増幅、刺さるフェンダーの叫声 | amplified violently, with the piercing screams of Fenders |
3.形骸化した叙情表現を軽薄な叙事が彩って | 3. Out-of-fashion verse adorned with shallow commentary |
情報量のない陳腐な風体 | Style without substance. |
以上、自称鳥瞰の雑感 | Over: My supposedly objective review. |
遠い遠いユーリカ | Eureka is still far, far away. |
可燃物用のビニール袋と同じ理由でこの両目は | Perhaps in the same manner as a flammable plastic bag, |
「見えてしまうことへの配慮」ゆえに不透明なんだろうか | Via "To whom it may concern, a warning," my eyes are opaque. |
既公開の音源は聴く程に | The more I listen to this freshly released music, |
たらればの未練掻き立たせ | the more it whips up my longing. |
いつだって気づくのが数歩遅い | I always notice it too late. |
ノイズキャンセリングを切ってまた瞑想 | I remove my headphones and meditate again. |
盲目的なまでの拘泥は浅学非才なりの応酬だ | My blind elitism is the punishment for my unlearnedness. |
煌々と常温で燃える風景 | Look how this scene burns so brilliantly at just room temperature. |
三番経由した四、五、六で | Neatly arranged in threes: four, five, six. |
電力増幅、怒るフェンダーの叫声 | Amplified sound, the angry Fender's yelling. |
様式美めいた叙情表現も淡白な叙事も | This simple aesthetic, frank lyricism, |
ギターリフも、もう全部選んできた風景 | the guitar riff too, all decided. |
以上、自称ロケンローごっこ | Over: My rock n roll act. |
まだ遠いユーリカ | Eureka is still far away. |
遠い遠いユーリカ | Eureka is far, far away. |