Electric Princess

エレクトリック・プリンセス - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

デジタルに Digitally
はにかんで「大好きだ」って say "I love you," with a shy voice.
正直にさせて Set me straight.
時計の針12時になる前に Before the clock strikes 12...
Let's go Let's go
迷い込んだ 知らないとこへ I got lost, in a place unknown
電子機器の 中みたいね I wanted to see what was in that electric device.
だれか私 助けにきて Then someone came and saved me.
白馬に乗った 王子様 It was a young prince on a white horse.
このままどこか 連れて行って Now please, take me somewhere!
夢の世界へ Into the world of dreams,
心ゆくまで wherever your heart desires.
デジタルに Digitally
はにかんで「大好きだ」って say "I love you," with a shy voice.
正直にさせて Set me straight.
グラスの靴は なくてもいいの It's okay if I don't have glass shoes.
時間を止めて Stop the time.
たくさんの With a lot of
笑顔でぎゅっと smiles and hugs,
その気にさせて Get me in the mood.
時計の針12時になる前に Before the clock strikes twelve,
つかまえて Catch me.
迷い込んだ 心のなか I got lost in my own heart.
ぐるりぐるり 回ってるの Spinning around dizzily.
あのね私 わからないの I don't even know anymore.
なにもかもが 嘘みたいで Nothing even seems real.
迷い込んだ 夢の中で I got lost in a dream.
長く長く 眠ってたの Like I slept for a long long time.
深い深い 迷宮のなか In a deep deep labyrinth
迎えに来てよ 王子様 Please come and find me, young prince.
このままじゃまだ 帰れないわ At this point, I won't be able to go back home.
夢の世界から I'm in this dream world,
早く見つけて please find me.
ラジカルに Radically
はにかんで「大好きだ」って say "I love you," with a shy voice.
正直にさせて Set me straight.
ありふれた言葉 でもいいから Even if you use cheesy lines, it's okay.
魔法をかけて Put a spell on me
たくましい With your strong voice,
その声でもっと keep on
正直を見せて setting me straight.
お城の門が閉じる前まで Before the castle gates close
キラキラのドレスでずっと With a glimmering dress,
躍り続けて I want to keep dancing.
たわいもない仕草や表情が Your childish face and mannerisms-
大好きなの I love it.
叶わない願いもきっと Even my unfulfilled wishes,
想いを馳せて will just spur me on to think about it more.
もう行かなきゃ I have to go..
魔法が解けるまで Before the magic wears off.
デジタルに Digitally
はにかんで「大好きだ」って say "I love you," with a shy voice.
正直にさせて Set me straight.
グラスの靴は なくてもいいの It's okay if I don't have glass shoes.
時間を止めて Stop the time.
たくさんの With a lot of
笑顔でぎゅっと smiles and hugs,
その気にさせて Get me in the mood.
時計の針12時になる前に Before the clock strikes twelve,
つかまえて Catch me.