Dreamin Demon

(For SSO)
ターゲットロックオン | Target lock-on. |
そんな不審がるなよ | Now you're feeling dizzy. |
クラウドナイン | You're on Cloud Nine, |
あまい夢に溺れるだけ | drowning in a hazy dream. |
こわくないよ? | Nothing to be scared about. |
ハイプライド示す | I show off my High Pride. |
高めのヒール | and my high heels. |
誘惑 周波 | Emanating waves of seduction, |
絶対の領域 キュリオシティ | With my zettai ryouiki, I touch your curiosity. |
さあ ここからだ | Now, here I come. |
ごちそうの時間 | It's time for a feast. |
(ギラギラしてるムーンライト) | (in the glistening moonlight). |
入りこむ ♡の奥 | I will seep into your heart. |
液体で期待 精一杯 Day | I want your fluids. Today'll be a Cum-plete Day for me. |
ゾクゾクドクドク 捕らえた瞳 | You're trembling, heart beating, your eyes arrested. |
ホンキだよ? ジャッジメント | I'm serious yknow. My judgement is final. |
ほらもうボク以外 | And you begin.. |
考えられなくなる | to lose your mind to me. |
つかれてゆだねて いっぱい Shake | You're exhausted, at my behest. A Full Shake for me. |
ゾクゾクドクドク 捕らえた瞳 | You're trembling, heart beating, your eyes arrested. |
スピード上げて経っていく夜 | Raise up the speed, and keep it "up" this night. |
ねえなんで効かない? | Err, why aren't my charms working? |
拒否された… どうして? | I've been rejected... Why? |
リボン フリルで | With frilly ribbons, |
隠した下心 | and my ulterior motive, |
ツノの長さは経験数 | My horn length is proportional to my kill count. |
制御できない香り | A scent that you can't check. |
すれちがった人まで | Even people passing me by, |
堕としたみたい | lose themselves. |
キョーミない てへっ☆ | I tell em Im not interested Tehe☆ |
ただ今はキミがほしい | Right now I only want you |
さあ ここからだ | Now, here I come. |
ごちそうの時間 | It's time for a feast. |
(昨日のリベンジミッドナイト) | (This time, I'll get revenge for last night) |
今日こそ逃がさない | Now you definitely can't escape me. |
液体で期待 精一杯 Day | I want your fluids. Today'll be a Cum-plete Day for me. |
ゾクゾクドキドキ 捕らえられた | You're trembling, heart beating, your eyes arrested. |
ホンキだよ! ジャッジメント | I'm serious I swear! This is my judgment. |
おねがい ボクだけ見つめていてよ | So please... Lose your mind to me.. |
つかれてゆだねて いっぱい Shake | Get tired, submit yourself, so I can have my Full Shake. |
ゾクゾクドキドキ 捕らえられた | Tremble, beat. Now you've been captured. |
スピード上げて迎え撃つ朝 | Raise the speed up all the way till morning. |
ねえなんか効いてる? | Hey, I think it's working this time? |
わからない感情 | ..What's this feeling? |
ハジメテの気持ち | This feeling is a first for me. |
インキュバス | Incubus!!? |
ターゲットロックオン | Target lock-on. |
そんな不審がるなよ | Now I'm feeling dizzy. |
クラウドナイン | Cloud Nine, |
あまい夢に溺れるだけ | drowning in a hazy dream. |
こわくないよ? | I-I'm not scared. |