
doppel - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

パッとこの世に生を受けた時、神様のいたずらで Soon as I entered this world, God played a lil' trick on me.
ふたつにわかたれた命 Split my life in two.
ふたつにわかたれた視界 Split my vision in two.
たったのそれだけが If it were just that,
2人をへだてた切っ掛けなのに Simply splitting us apart,
どうしてこうも違うのか Then why are we so different?
感じたままに泣いて笑って The way you laugh and cry at will,
生きてるあなたはあぁ憎らしい your whole existence irritates the hell outta me.
嫌い嫌い嫌い嫌い嫌い嫌い I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
どれだけ言葉を並べてみても No matter how I try to say it,
困ったようにただ笑うだけ you just giggle at me with a concerned look.
同じ顔同じ声 The same face. The same voice.
私の嫌いな私に似てる You're like me, and I hate myself.
鏡写しね、気味が悪いわ This mirror image makes me wanna puke, man.
謙遜に耳済ます その上目立たないようにします I lend my ears all clear, and stay in my own place.
澄ました顔をして済ます Clear the day with a cleared up face.
その態度かます Break it down with that pace.
裏でまた心冷ます? Underneath, are ya still in an arms race?
喧々で囂々か脳内の会合 Loud and messy, discussion in the brain swells.
戦線で恐々や兄弟の細胞 Careful on the battlefront, sister cells.
才能も大望も運命も感銘も何も無くせやしないのに Genius, ambition, fate, emotion, I'd be better off without.
自分のことも世界も呪って Damn me and damn the world.
笑えるあなたがあぁ痛ましい Watching you smile, ah, it hurts so much.
嫌い嫌い嫌い嫌い I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
どれだけ言葉を重ねてみても No matter how I try to explain,
意味もわからず惑うだけ Ya just keep worrying about me, but don't understand.
同じ顔、同じ声、 You have my face, you have my voice.
愛するあなたは私に似ている You love me so, and resemble me so.
鏡写しね、 Like a mirror image, man,
だけど分からない But I don't understand you.
嫌い嫌い嫌い嫌い I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
どれだけ言葉を並べてみても No matter how I try to explain,
虚しく虚空に響くだけ it just echoes into nothing.
同じ顔、同じ声 The same face, the same voice.
あなたと私は互いに似てる We resemble each other.
鏡写しね It's a mirror image,
気味が悪いわ It's disgusting, man.