How to beat up (dance with) a bad boy
(For SSA)
予定調和な気分は最低で | With everything feeling like preestablished harmony is the worst |
絆される嘘と劣等感 | Binded by lies and a feeling of inferiority, |
独り善がりで参っている君は | Defeated by a sense of self-importance, |
諦め顔で感嘆してるセブンティーン | you are seventeen, shocked into resignation. |
意味のない話を望んだ君は | You wished for a story with no meaning, |
わかった振りでわかっていない | acting like you understand when you don't, |
考え事を放棄して | putting off all the things you should be thinking about, |
そこに想像力の欠片も見当たらない | without even a glint of imagination there. |
その場凌ぎの言い訳ばかり 捲し立てて | You keep rattling off those makeshit excuses. |
ごちゃごちゃうるせぇな | Blah, blah, it's gettin' fuckin' annoying. |
「愛してる!」 | "I love you!" |
感情論で君を殴って 愛を叫ぶ愚者の奇行 | I smack you with that emotional logic. I'm a crazy dumbass who screams my life. |
不甲斐ないなって黙るくらいなら | I'll shut your "meh"s and "ugh"s up. |
果てるまで踊ろうぜ | We'll dance until it's done. |
被害者面の君の手を取り | You act like a victim, so I take your hand, |
継ぎ接ぎのダンス さぁ! | and we'll dance a makeshift dance. |
da da dance da da da dance | da da dance da da da dance |
被害妄想に囚われている | Engulfed in a victim complex, |
酸化した君の幸福観 | Your oxidized vision of happiness. |
アンハッピーで笑っていた | You laughed in unhappiness. |
まるで量産型の鬱患者 | Like a mass-produced depressive person. |
否定したい あれこれとどれ? | You want to deny. This, that, which? |
拒否したい あべこべなそれ | You want to affirm. Vice-versa, that is. |
完璧主義な君のそれ | Your perfectionism |
見るに堪えない君の悲観的な言動 | is your unbearable pessimism. |
前後不覚の疑心暗鬼を抱え込んで | Clinging unconsciously onto your paranoia. |
うじうじうるせぇな | Enoguh with your damn wishy-washiness. |
「愛してる!」 | "I love you !" |
衝動的に君を殴って 愛を諭す愚者の奇行 | I strike you with a shock, I'm a crazy dumbass that'll scold you with love. |
不安症なんて蹴散らすミュージック | Music that'll kick anxiety's shit in. |
果てるまで踊ろうぜ | Let's dance until it's gone. |
ほら、君も無我夢中になってきた | Look, you're also losing yourself to the rhythm. |
継ぎ接ぎのダンス さぁ! | It's a makeshift dance, now! |
da da dance da da da dance | da da dance da da da dance |
「愛してる!」 | "I love you!" |
感傷気味な君を殴って 愛を捧ぐ愚者の奇行 | I strike sentimental you, I'm a crazy dumbass that holds up my love. |
不安定な意味なんて要らないから | I don't want a meaning full of anxiety. |
振りかざせ理想論を | Raise the flag of idealism. |
感情論で君を殴って 愛を叫ぶ愚者の奇行 | I smack you with that emotional logic. I'm a crazy dumbass who screams my life. |
不甲斐ないなって黙るくらいなら | I'll shut your "meh"s and "ugh"s up. |
果てるまで踊ろうぜ | We'll dance until it's done. |
被害者面の君の手を取り | You act like a victim, so I take your hand, |
継ぎ接ぎのダンス さぁ! | and we'll dance a makeshift dance. |
da da dance da da da dance | da da dance da da da dance |