
Boi - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

I donot understand these lyrics.....

宙に張り付けた不穏 That uneasiness in the air.
嫌みったらしい Very unfriendly.
試されてるね This a test, isn't it.
綻んでいくとしても Even if I try to break it apart.
頭に残らなかった無数のパーツ The countless amount of pieces can't fit in my head.
妬けつく前に化けの皮剥いでしまって Before the attraction hit, my facade shedded away.
見るからにニヒリスティックに If I get played
演じられたら by off-the-cuff nihilism,
Beatnik Boi Beatnik Boi.
雲を掻き分け Tear apart the clouds.
よじ登った先に From where you climbed up.
Beatnik Boi Beatnik Boi
溺れちゃおヘブン A heaven you'll drown in.
夢の続きを見たい I want to see your dream go on.
空を埋める光よ It's the light that will bury the sky.
暴かないでこの罪を Don't lose your temper, over this sin.
Beatnik Boi Beatnik Boi
自分ニ成レテ Be yourself.
解き放たれるの待ってる I'm waiting for you to set me free.
待ってる I'm waiting
ほとばしる甘い声 That sweet voice overflowing.
捉え方次第だな It depends on how you catch me.
青二才苦みしかない Today's youth is pure suffering.
流し込んでしまおう Let's pour it all away.
思いのほか進まないな Somehow we're not making progress.
しょうがないな Oh well.
置いていきたい過ちが多すぎるんだ There are too many mistakes I wanna leave behind.
取り込まれるお人好し Trapped by this good-hearted person.
裏切らないねぇ You won't betray me right?
Beatnik Boi Beatnik Boi.
心の向こう The other side of your heart.
遡った先に If you go back in time,
Beatnik Boi Beatnik Boi.
あるべき姿 That's who you should be.
悪足掻きは出来ない You can't struggle in vain.
空を埋める光よ It's the light that buries the sky.
晒さないでこの罰を Don't expose my crime, please.
Beatnik Boi Beatnik Boi
自分ニ成レテ Be yourself.
解き放たれるの待ってる I'm waiting for you to set me free.
待ってる I'm waiting.
あからさまなものから手を切る I screwed up when I should've known better.
目は冴えてる My eyes are open now.
切り替えの早さはピカイチ The speed of the transformation is a pikaichi
半分は悲劇で終わる練り込まれた思惑 Half of it is a tragedy of good intentions.
Beatnik Boi Beatnik Boi
雲を掻き分け Tear apart the clouds.
よじ登った先に From where you climbed up.
Beatnik Boi Beatnik Boi
溺れちゃおヘブン A heaven you'll drown in.
夢の続きを見たい I want to see your dream go on.
空を埋める光よ It's the light that will bury the sky.
暴かないでこの罪を Don't lose your temper, over this sin.
Beatnik Boi Beatnik Boi
自分ニ成レテ Be yourself.
解き放たれるの待ってる I'm waiting for you to set me free.
待ってる I'm waiting.
灼かれても Even if I'm burned,
憶えていたい I want to remember.