August Iced Coffee
(For SSA)
夢を見てた 夏の日だ 暑い日差しに溶かされてた | I saw a dream, on a summer day, and it was melted by the heat. |
欠伸した目を擦る カフェの昼下がり | Yawning and rubbing my eyes, in the cafe early afternoon. |
グラスの中浮かんでた氷が音を鳴らしてる | But I hear the clinking of the ice in glass, |
冷え切ったそれだけが僕の目を醒ます | and that cool rush opens my eyes back up. |
黒く澄み渡ったそれは 僕の顔を映した | Dark and clear, I can see my reflection there. |
苦さだけ残して 喉にただ流れてく | Leaving only bitterness, it flows through my throat. |
そう、どこまでも身勝手に振り回すよ | Yep, the summer is just so careless and cruel. |
夏の暑さは僕のことなんかはお構いなしにさ | It doesn't care about me or nothing. |
ねえ、どこまでも無表情な八月のアイスコーヒー | Hey, expressionless Mr. August iced coffee, |
この身体の火照りを冷ましておくれよ | Would you cool down this sweltering body? |
空を見てた 快晴だ 入道雲が手を振った | I saw the sky, and the good weather. The big clouds waving their hands. |
冴えてきた目を閉じる カフェの音を聞く | I close my cooled down eyes, and listen to the sounds of the cafe. |
そう、どこまでも続いてくよ あの日見た灼ける暑さは | Yes, it still sticks with me, the burning weather on that day. |
夏がやってくるたびに思い出すのさ | Every time summer comes, I remember... |
ねえ、どこまでも無表情な八月のアイスコーヒー | Hey, expressionless Mr. August iced coffee, |
この身体の火照りを冷ましておくれよ | Would you cool down this sweltering body? |
八月のアイスコーヒー | August iced coffee. |