Tomorrow will be a better day

(For SSO)
涙の数だけ強くなれるのなら何回泣いたっていいよ? | If it's true that "the more tears you shed, the stronger you become," then it's alright, isn't it? |
だって 悲しさに触れていたら優しくできるよね | After all, the people who have gone through sadness are the kindest. |
毎晩何度も電話して 大好きだって愛を重ねていたのに | I spent so many nights on the phone, conveying my love to him over and over, |
おしゃれなショップの写真をあげて 名前の知らないあの子とデート | but he posted all these pics of going to a fancy store on a date with some chick I've never seen before! |
もうわからなくなるでしょ?! | Heck, I don't even know anymore! |
明日はいいことが いっぱいいっぱいあって何だか楽しくなるって! | So I tell myself: Tomorrow is gonna be a better day, full of fun things to look forward to. |
虹を越えるイメージで やりたいことを探しに どこまでも歩いてゆこう | It's like tomorrow is somewhere over the rainbow. I'll walk all over the place to find something I wanna do. |
全ての出逢いが今の私を きっと強くする | All the trials of my life has made me who I am today. And I'll definitely be stronger for it. |
涙の数だけ優しく出来るのなら何回泣いたっていいよ? | If the more you cry, the more kind you become, then I'm fine with crying. |
だって 寂しさに触れていたら大切さ気づくよね | After all, the people who experience sadness are the ones who can recognize what's truly important. |
話題の映画にカフェやギフト あなたの喜ぶ笑顔が欲しいのに | Your posts about going to latest popular movie with her, at the cafe, and exchanging gifts. I wanted you to smile like that at me. |
いつも片手には携帯電話 言葉や関心さえも無かったな | But you were always on your phone, not giving me attention or the time of day. |
もうわからなくなるでしょ?! | Ugh! I don't get it anymore! |
明日はいいことが いっぱいいっぱいあって何だか嬉しくなるって! | So I tell myself: Tomorrow is gonna be a better day, full of happy things to look forward to. |
太陽にキスして 明日は今日よりもきっと晴れますようにって | I'll give the sun a kiss, telling it to make tomorrow even more bright and clear than today. |
新しい出逢いが今の私を ずっと強くする | All the events I'll face moving forward, will make me stronger. |
わかったようで(わかってなくて) 遠回り(空回り) | As if I understand (I don't), taking a detour (going around in circles). |
次の居場所進めれるように | To take the next step in my life. |
胸を張って(自分らしく) 歩いてゆく(未来の道) | To puff out my chest (in my own way), walk ahead (on the road to the future). |
溢れる想い 動き出す世界 | Overwhelmed with thoughts, in this constantly moving world. |
明日はいいことが いっぱいいっぱいあって何だか楽しくなるって! | So I tell myself: Tomorrow is gonna be a better day, full of fun things to look forward to! |
虹を越えるイメージで やりたいことを探しに どこまでも歩いてゆこう | It's like tomorrow is somewhere over the rainbow. I'll walk all over the place to find something I wanna do. |
全ての出逢いが今の私を きっと強くする | All the trials of my life has made me who I am today. And I'll definitely be stronger for it. |