I love you on loop

アイシテループ - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

起立、気をつけ、礼、着席 All up. Eyes forward. Pledge allegiance. Be seated.
起立、気をつけ、礼、着席 All up. Eyes forward. Pledge allegiance. Be seated.
笑った顔に笑い返す I smile back when you smile at me.
ミラーのような君がいて There you are, like a mirror.
目が覚めて 誰もいない I wake up, and noone's there.
住み着いた 脳内に You've taken up a spot in my head,
寝癖も気にならないくらい My sleep schedule's all off now.
バグってる It's buggy.
あいアイ愛Love愛してる Ai love love love love you.
忘れさせてくれないの? Won't you let me forget you?
軽率純情物語 A rash, pure, love story.
それくらいなら Something like that,
ちょうどいい would be perfect.
ねえねえねえねえ Hey hey hey hey.
白昼夢 Daydreaming,
今更何を期待する? What am I even hoping for now?
スタッフロールにしれっといて Casually sit through the credits.
次代に画面外のはずが Though I'm sure the next episode is offscreen.
何気のなかったあの会話 That odd little conversation,
どんどん脳内支配する is constantly stuck in my head.
リフレイン リフレイン Refrain. Refrain.
”好き”には答えられそうない That "I like you," you left unresponded.
煩わしい 毎日だった It was a vexing set of days.
起立、気をつけ、礼、着席 All up. Eyes forward. Pledge allegiance. Be seated.
なんだか切なくさせるのは It kind of hurts,
君だから because of you.
あいアイ愛Love愛してる Ai love love love love you.
引っ張り出した恋文に This love letter I squeezed out,
相乗効果ダメになる will ruin our synergy.
片付けても 散らかって I try to patch it up, but it falls apart again.
ねえねえねえねえ Hey hey hey hey.
白昼夢 Daydreaming,
もしも やり直せるのなら If only I could do it over.
空想的な エンドロール Fictional end credits,
不毛な感情 抱いている a feeling of emptiness.
君の隣は 他の誰かで Someone else is by your side now.
それでも何度も何度もまた And yet, over and over,
繰り返す I replay.
あいアイ愛Love愛してる Ai love love love love you.
忘れさせてくれないの? Won't you let me forget you?
軽率純情物語 A rash, pure, love story.
それくらいなら Something like that,
ちょうどいい would be perfect.
ねえねえねえねえ Hey hey hey hey.
白昼夢 Daydreaming,
今更何を期待する? What am I even hoping for now?
スタッフロールにしれっといて Casually sit through the credits.
次代に画面外のはずが Though I'm sure the next episode is offscreen.