
achiral - YT|nicodouga

(For SSO)

achiral = (akai=red)ral

朝 鏡の前に立って呆然 In the morning, I stare blankly at the mirror.
「こんなことしたってどうせ」 "It doesn't matter what I do,"
って 思わず口を衝いた放言 I let out automatically.
理想は君の側にあるけど My ideal world is next to you,
近付きたいと思うほど but the more I think about being close to you,
消えてしまいたくなるよ the more I want to vanish.
嘘で歪んでしまった多角形 A regular polygon warped by lies.
「あの頃は良かったよね」 "Good times, huh,"
って ねじれの位置 渦巻いて What a twisted way of looking at it. A whirlpool.
きっと何より大切だったこと I'll run away again today,
忘れて逃げてしまうよ今日も from what was truly important to me.
さあ 幻滅してどうぞ Here we go, I'm ready for more disillusionment.
射し込んだ 陽の光は The sunlight seeping in,
反射して 眩しくて bounces to and fro. It's so bright.
瞳を閉ざして So I close my eyes.
いたくないの いたいの I want to say it doesn't hurt.
(いたいの いたくないの) (I don't want to talk about how it hurts)
たった半分だけ 半分だけを Just a half. When you take just that half,
私から切り取って映すと and tear it away from me and display it back at me,
ほんの少しだけ 少しだけど I could finally kind of see, maybe just a little,
嫌いな色も鮮やかに見えたんだ how even a color I hate could shine so vibrantly.
自明な解を吐いて返すよ I'll vomit back out what's obviously true:
交わって朱に染まりたいな I wanna switch now and be stained red.
綺麗な戒を履いて走るよ I'll put on pretty shoes of self-admonition and run with them.
なりたいな 赤いな Now I just want to become... red...
上手く行かなくたって当然 Of course it wasn't going to go well.
「私じゃ無理到底」 "I'm hopelessly useless,"
って 浮かんだ不可能性 that sentiment made things impossible.
理想は君の側にあるけど My ideal world is next to you,
近付きたいと思うほど but the more I think about being close to you,
消してしまいたくなるよ the more I want to vanish.
疵口から 流れた血は My once bloody wound,
乾いて 錆び付いて has dried and rusted up now,
こんなことしてまで it's come to this point.
いたくないの いたいの I want to say it doesn't hurt.
(いたいの いたくないの) (I don't want to talk about how much it hurts).
たった半分だって 半分だってもう Just a half. Even just a half,
見せたくないよ I don't wanna show it anymore.
愛されたいわけじゃなくて It's not that I want to be loved,
愛されるようになりたくて but to become a person worth loving.
君の真似ばかりしていたけど But all I did was obsessively copy everything you did.
醜さを赦すだなんて To forgive ugliness,
醜い私にはできなくて is something ugly me couldn't do.
でもなりたくて But I still wanted to be you.
ああ Ah...
たった半分の 半分の 半分の 半分の Just a half. A half. A half. A half.
半分だけ 半分だけを Just a half. When you take just that half,
私から切り取って映すと and tear it away from me and display it back to me,
ほんの少しだけ 少しだけど I could finally kind of see, maybe just a little,
嫌いな色も鮮やかに見えたんだ how even a color I hate could shine so vibrantly.
自明な解を諳んじて返すよ I'll memorize the solution and spit it back out:
交わって朱に染まりたいな I wanna switch now and be stained red.
憂いなく あい を信じて走るよ I want to believe in that gloomless red, and run straight into it.
なりたいな 赤いな I want to be... red...
朝 鏡の前に立って呆然 In the morning, I stare blankly at the mirror.
「こんなことしたってどうせ」 "It doesn't matter what I do,"
って 変わらずいつも決まった工程 I say as usual, in my decided routine.
理想は君の側にあるけど My ideal world is next to you,
近付きたいと思ったから And it's because of that thought of being closer to you,
少しだけ好きになれたよ that I kind of started to like you.