Now, reader, shall I? that fossil sitting behind your cheekbone teases a hallway of
intrigue within. Indeed, it is beckoning me to secrete my secrets into its corridors.
Shall I run my tongue across that golden helix? Shall I nibble that lobule, dribble
my tongue against that sensitive antitragus, or leave the whole artifact soaked in
an indiscriminate slobber? Would it admit my silly trifles, my somber troubles?
Would it submit to greedily brandished incisors? Would it forgive a lie; "Don't
worry, I don't bite x3"? Would you be so kind as to lend it to me, today? I will
give it back, I swear. Pretend my lips are the lips of a seashell, and my
warm breath the sound of the ocean. For today I only have one little
amulet to donate. One secret. One confession.... I fuked your mom lolololo jk but
actually what I was gonna say is i looked at the solution for this exercise. *breathes sex noises into your ear*
I'm sorry, reader. Also, I'm skipping 5.4 because MY ABSTRACT ALGEBRA
So, anyway, you may recall that we had a definition for nonsingularity for affine
In this exercise however, we're working with P2, so here's a generalization of the
definition for more arbitrary varieties:

Now, this definition is, as you can see, confusing as fuck. HOWEVER: Note that
nonsingularity only depends on the local ring. So we can use open sets in P2
instead of P2 itself. I.e. we can cover P2 with A2s and just default to the more
convenient definition with the Jacobian. So this problem is back to checking for
nonzero Jacobians.
The solution says that
works in almost all cases. Let's take the open set
z≠0 (analogous argument for
x≠0,y≠0. Then our curve equation turns into
The Jacobian is then:
J | =
![[ d- 1 d- 1]
dx dy](Ip5p50x.png) | | |
Now the issue is that if char
k divides
d, then both components are
0, which is
bad! So those are the cases for which this doesn't work, and we'll handle those
later. However, in the cases that char
k does not divide
d, note that we
would need
x = 0 and
y = 0 to make the Jacobian
0. But note that this
isn't a point on the original curve, so the Jacobian is
always nonzero.
Now we handle the char
k|d case. The solution gives
xyd-1 + yzd-1 + zxd-1 | = 0 | | |
(yea, I wouldn't have thought of this on my own). So taking
z≠0, we get
And the Jacobian is
J | =
![[ d- 1 d- 2 d- 2 ]
y + (d - 1)x (d - 1)xy + 1](Ip5p51x.png) | |
| =
(since chark|d) | |
| | |
So we need
yd-1 | = xd-2 | (3)
xyd-2 | = 1 | (4) |
Multiplying both sides of the (
4) by
y and substuting (
3) yields
xyd-1 | = y | (5)
xd-1 | = y | (6) |
Now let's plug in (
5) and (
6) into the curve equation (
xyd-1 + y + xd-1 | = 0 | |
y + y + y | = 0 | |
3y | = 0 | |
y | = 0 | | |
and thus (
6) tells us that
x = 0 as well. But this doesn't satisfy (
4). Done.