Camp Porcupine
....? Hi?
You're, like, standing rite in the way, girl.
Ah, shoot. Sorry.
I step aside, feeling embarassed. Sometimes when I go out for these walks in the park, I start daydreaming and stand in one place.
You were like, blocking the path of women and children, haha. I'm gonna call you: The Goose!
This long-haired girl, around my age, slightly taller than me... I have no idea who she is.
Wanna get some coffee? I'll pay.

And now I'm having coffee with a stranger.
Both of us are drinking black.
This is so uncomfortable. I keep darting my eyes here and there, and back into my coffee cup. And she just keeps staring at me. I can't peel her eyes off.
She seems... extraverted.
Her tall figure is looming over me. She isn't that tall, but she feels tall. I can feel an entire force of expectation emanating from her.
What do I do? Where do I work? What am I interested in? What do I do with my free time? What are my future plans?
It's kinda weird to think, like, that language is, like, a thing.
Uhh... Sure.
Cuz there are like, people that wanna abolish it.
Abolish... language?
Yeh, yeh. A subgroup of "primitivists." Well, at least they wanna get rid of written language. What dya think of that? Do ya ever wanna, like, just get rid of the whole alphabet?
Well, that doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Why would you want to do that?
Their argument is, like, technology is evil. And symbolism and abstraction contributes to the system of technology. Or symbolism and abstraction IS technology. Somethin' like that.
I take a sip of coffee.
Well, I don't know. Maybe it's a good idea. I'm not an expert. My opinion on this isn't really relevant.
O please! Your opinion matters as much as anyone else's!
That's not true. Experts on, uh, linguistics or whatever probably have a better say here.
Hah! Screw science n "expertise" n all that nonsense. Primitivism is, like, all about returning to our intuitive understanding of the world, ya feel? Tell me how ya feel!
Well, I feel like we shouldn't abolish it. But... that's just because I'm used to having the alphabet. I don't really have any better reason than that.
Come on, that's a great reason!
...I don't think so. Just because something is normal doesn't mean it's good.
I mean, like, how would your life change if suddenly no one was allowed to write anymore? Like say a "NO WRITING ALLOWED" rule was passed. Or, like, maybe everyone loses the ability to write. Do you think that would be good or bad for you?
Well... I guess I'm biased towards writing. Not in that I have some artistic appreciation of writing. It's just that, for example, whenever I have the option of calling someone or emailing them, I always choose the latter. I feel more comfortable posting in forums or talking in text chat than I do face to face.
I think it would be pretty bad for me.
But just because I wouldn't like it, doesn't mean it shouldn't happen. That would be pretty selfish.
That depends on how important of a person you are.
Well, I'm not important.
Well, you're important to me.
We just met.
Hahaha. Have you heard that song by M2M?
Don't say you love me~.
Youuuu don't even know me~.
Iiiif you really want me,
Then give me some time~.
Youuuu don't even know me~.
Iiiif you really want me,
Then give me some time~.
That's the chorus.
Some eyes turn towards us. She's singing way too loud.
Though it turns out that I do know that song. What a coincidence.
That's right. There was a "MapleStory Music Video" ("MMV") with it that I used to really like.
Dang, how long has it been since I played MapleStory. 10 years ago, at this point? I sunk a lot of time into that MMO. Honestly, I kind of blocked it out of my memory, but now it's all rushing back to me. The grinding wasn't fun, but the interactions with other players was. I remember riding the ship to Orbis, and stuff like that.
Right. My in-game friends used to call me "The Duke" because of my distinct personality. It was weird. It's weird to think I actually had a distinct personality once. Ugh, it's all coming back. So much happened in that game. Talk about being superior in text-based communication.
So, do you think writing should be abolished then?
Tho if we were abolishing it, I don't think we should do it overnight.
She lights up, as if she thought of something very clever.
To get rid of the alphabet, we should phase it out little by little. AND, if we were going letter by letter, we should get rid of the dumb letters first, right?
What's the dumbest letter? Q seems like the most dumb. I think Q doesn't do his homework. What a dummy.
Next would be P. P doesn't seem like the type to read textbooks, at least, har, har, har.
Also, X seems pretty dumb. Ah, but X seems like in the future they'd become, like, a scientist or something. I was too judgmental there. Sorry, X.
Well, actually, now that I think about it, maybe it's the other way around. Maybe we should keep the "dumb" letters and get rid of the smart ones. After all, from a primitivist perspective, it's the "smart" scientists and engineers that are contributing to the poison of technology.
Ah, but I'd really hate to get rid of a letter. All letters are pretty cute. I can't even imagine having to get rid of Q. Q is QT! How about we get rid of the smart human beings, leave the average and dumb ones around? The eugenicist's worst nightmare! And we'll keep letters. BUT, let's ban writing. We'll ban writing and keep letters. Letters can exist as long as we don't use them to communicate, you know what I mean?
Uh, ok. But what would would be the point of having letters if you couldn't use them?
They're cute.
Maybe we can just appreciate letters for who they are, instead of using them as slaves for the sake of our communication.
Heck, maybe we can even keep words, as long as they don't mean anything. Like "rude." I like the word rude. And I like dressing it up too: It looks cute in Georgia and funny in cursive. And I like how it sounds too. But who cares about what it means? I just like how it feels.
Ah, here's another example that I adore. You have a notepad and pencil on you, rite?
Err, yea.
..Why did she assume that I carry one?
In any case, I pull out a pencil and my memobook from my pocket and hand it to her.
While I sip coffee, she flips open to a random page, carefully writes something on it, rips it out and hands it back to me.

Nice handwriting.
The twinkle in this woman's eyes is insufferable.
Except, I immediately understand what she's getting at. Coincidentally, it's also the name of an old MapleStory youtuber (again, talk about being superior in text-based communication) but it's probably a common joke.
The joke of course is that, when written correctly, "BEVVBS" looks like "BEWBS". The two V's look like a W.
Presumably to bypass a censor. Or, online, it could work as a username. If "BEWBS" was already taken, this would be a way to "get" it without having to add some ugly numbers to the end, like "BEWBS696969" or whatever.
However, this girl is deliberately drawing attention away from that.
This girl made sure to keep the two V's distinct. There was nothing preventing her from writing "BEWBS" on the paper. In fact, "BEWBS" itself is a euphemism. There was nothing preventing her from going the distance and just writing "BOOBS" on the paper.
Originally, you are supposed to make the visual conversion BEVVBS -> BEWBS, followed by the phonetic conversion BEWBS -> BOOBS. Once you arrive at "BOOBS," you sniff air out of your nose and you're done.
But the twist is: BEVVBS in and of itself is inexplicably more alluring and attractive than both BEWBS and BOOBS, isn't it?
Everything gets flipped on its head. "BEVVBS" is no longer just a means to reach BOOBS. BEVVBS transcends its own ends, and the implication of BOOBS, rather than being the point, becomes a humorous tinge. The meaning of BEVVBS is secondary to how it is. BEVVBS isn't BOOBS. BEVVBS is BEVVBS. Or something.
I suppose you're in the club that reads "deadmau5" as "dead mow five"?
I always read words too literally.
That may be because I'm a dummy. Dummies can't into symbolism and stuff.
Yknow, actually, back when I was in middle school, I had a huge crush on this guy. We were both dead-mow-five fans.
Ah, cool.
Heh, you look annoyed.
You bet. I openly fawned over him all through middle school and up to, like, 9th grade. But he never reciprocated my feelings.
Maybe I was like too forward? I'd literally say I love him and he'd act all disgusted and call me names.
Almost sounds like the guy was acting tsundere. But this apparently went on for years. That's surprising. I feel bad for her.
That sucks. I'm sorry. Do you still see him?
Nah. By high school, it became really clear he didn't want me around anymore. He'd openly call me things like "worthless whore" n stuff. I mean, we always had that kind of banter. But it started to sound more and more serious. And it just started to hurt a lot more. He never apologized or anything. He even started threatening to physically harm me.
What the hell? That's straight up abusive.
Well, it made my self-harm tendencies worse through high school.
I'm sorry.
Don't worry. I don't do it anymore. I stopped cutting a few years ago. But still not a day goes by where I don't think about him. It basically ruined my ability to get into serious relationships. I can't get over him.
You don't hate him?
O, I hate him alright! I despise him! If I saw him again, God, I'd do unspeakable things to him. I'd do all the awful stuff he threatened to do to me. Yeah I swear I'd fucking.... I'd carve his eye out with a spoon and rape him to death.
What? He actually said that stuff to you? What a fuckface.
Yeah. Ugh, I'm sorry! That prolly made you really uncomfortable!
No, no, you're fine. Fuck him. I'm not even joking: If he actually threatened to do that and didn't take it back, he 100% deserves it to happen to him. That's karma. It sounds like you don't see him anymore though. That's good.
Thanks for the support. And yeh, he disappeared after 9th grade. Honestly, tho, more than anything else, that was the worst part. He just left without any closure.
So after years of treating a girl like shit, threatening her, causing her to self-harm, this guy just fucking dips without any notice or apology? What the fuck. That's sociopathic behavior. I'm genuinely angry now.
To think we used to ride the ship together and stuff, and now we just hate each other.
What? The ship?
God, I made so many cute nicknames for him haha, but they annoyed the hell out of him. Tho I think he secretly liked it when I called him "The Duke".
Wait, shit.
But yea, one day, he logged off and never logged back on to our server. Oh, he was an online friend from an MMO, by the way. Forgot to mention that.
Anyway, after years and years of pent up frustration, I finally couldn't take it anymore.
I thought, "I'm going to dox this guy, find out where he lives, and meet him face-to-face."
O-oh, really? And, you went through with it?
Yeh. That's why I came here. He's in this city.
Shit! Shit! Shit!
And I've decided, when I find him, this time I won't hold back. I will get back at him. By force.
B-by force, eh? What exactly is the plan there?
Like I said, I'll carve his eye out with a spoon, and rape him to death.
No! No! No! No!
You know, on second thought, I've heard that rape isn't too popular nowadays. There was like a Pew poll or something,
Well like you said, he 100% deserves it. He shouldn't have said all those horrible things to me.
W-well, that was so long ago. He's probably a more mature individual now! And he was probably joking, anyway.
If he at least said goodbye; If he at least left behind some kind of contact information; If he didn't just leave out of nowhere with no notice, maybe it wouldn't have had to come to this.
Woah, woah, woah. Listen, friend: Rape is a choice; as long as you're the rapist, not the rapee.
Yknow what would be the worst? If he were a catfish. Like, hypothetically, what if he were actually a girl irl? Could you, like, imagine if the "boy" I fell in love with was actually a girl? Could you imagine the hypothetical confusion and hypothetical distress that'd cause to my mind?
Ahahaha, that would be pretty hypothetically bad, wouldn't it? Jeez, what a hypothetical bitch. I almost understand the desire to hypothetically spoon-rape that hypothetical whore. But, in the end, revenge isn't worth it. Listen, sister, don't get hung up over a selfish, rotten, good-for-nothing catfish. There are other fish in the sea.
Ahahaha, good one.
Ahahaha, I surprise myself sometimes. In fact, that was unintentional.
But you're right. There are other fish in the sea. Like the Bone Fish. or even the famous Pianus.
Ahahaha, right? Though those names sound more like MMO enemies than actual fish. Perhaps you should have instead said "Common Carp", or "King Mackerel"
Ahahaha, you're right. I was accidentally thinking of MapleStory. Thanks for the correction.
No problem, no problem at all. Just wanted to help you with your fish knowledge, in case you were planning to become a Ickythickyologist or whatever it's called. Or, are you shooting for primitivist? Well, whatever "ist" you want to be, keep following your dreams. And by the way, I've never heard of this "Baple Smory" thing you're talking about. But you don't need to explain it to me. I'll look it up later. Anyway, I should get going now. I'll see you la--have a good one.
She suddenly grabs my hands.
Woah, woah, cowgirl. This is a bit gay, isn't it?
It's okay for girls to hold hands, Lucy.
"Lucy" you say? Are you perchance getting me confused with someone else? We haven't exchanged names yet.
Ahh, sorry! You just look like a Lucy to me. You know how I feel letters, rite? It's not like I doxxed you and found your name beforehand.
Of course not, hahaha! And by the way, if you do end up raping that person, I'd suggest making it a quick, gentle rape. Got it? No spoons needed. And you DON'T have to kill them at the end. It'll be better for your conscience.
Her grip tightens.
Yknow, on a second look, I think I have another fitting name for you. Like an alter ego type of name.
Oh, r-really?
Yea, wanna hear it?
Not particularly interested at this moment.
Come oooooooooon, Lucy. It's really badass.
Haha, no need. And by the way, I still have yet to confirm nor deny that I bear the name Lucy.
Hear me out, Lucy. I'm sure you will like this name. I'm sure you'll totally dig it. You'll think it's soooo edgy and cool.
I'm not sure about that. I have a very refined aesthetic sense. Actually, they call me "Allison the Aesthete" And yes, my name is actually Allison. Allison Wong.
Listen, Lucy,
Damn it! She has me by the balls! She had me by the balls from the beginning!
If I were to give you an alternate name,
Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!
Or, more specifically, a username...
Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!
It'd be "DarkLukeX20"
Sorry, Aymeexo
Releasing my hands from her loosened grip, I gulp down the rest of my coffee.
I should have at least said goodbye.